The EESC Workers' Group designates Peter Schmidt as President of the NAT section for 2023-2025

During its meeting today, the EESC Workers' Group designated unanimously Peter Schmidt as President of the NAT section for the 2023-2025 term of office of the EESC. He has chaired this section for the last two years with success, focusing on issues such as the fight for more justice in the transition of the economy to climate neutrality, employment and development in rural areas, or circular economy. 

Inside the EESC, of which he has been a member since 2014, Peter Schmidt has also chaired the Permanent Study Group on Sustainable Food Systems and the Sustainable Development Observatory.

Peter Schmidt is the Head of International and European affairs of the Food, Beverages and Catering Union (NGG).


Speaking after his designation, Peter Schmidt said: "I'm honoured by the confidence my Group has shown in me today. I will fight for the further development of a sustainable European food policy, for jobs that have a future and for more justice for all workers in the agricultural sector".

He will be confirmed as NAT section President in a vote during the mid-term renewal plenary of the EESC in April 2023.


Work organisation