Poverty Watch Report 2023 Launch Event: Unsustainable Welfare States & Risk of Austerity

This launch event of the 2023 European Poverty Watch report is co-organised by the European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN) and the EESC Civil Society Organisations' Group. The event will take place at the EESC premises on 8 April 2024, start at 09.30 and finish at 12.00, Brussels time. 

The event will spotlight the austerity reforms at the national level driven by the new economic governance review and include EU and national-level recommendations. It will also be an opportunity for the EAPN to present its key findings on the choices of public expenditure by European Member States and to put forward recommendations on how to sustainably finance welfare states.

The following members of the Civil Society Organisations' Group will speak:

  • Pietro Vittorio Barbieri, Vice-President of the Civil Society Organisations’ Group
  • Bernd Schlüter, rapporteur for the EESC opinion SOC/614 The European Pillar of Social Rights – evaluation of the initial implementation and recommendations for the future

Simultaneous interpretation will be offered in English, Spanish and French. For more information, please consult the draft programme.

It is an in-person event at the premises of the EESC. Registration is now closed.

For questions or concerns, please contact EAPN at: sigrid.dahmen(at)eapn.eu

Background information:

The European Poverty Watch report is a compilation of data and analysis from EAPN’s member bottom-up research national reports. It is an evidence-based report on the current trends and policies on poverty and social exclusion in Europe with concrete recommendations on EAPN’s priority matters. Every year, this exercise, as EAPN key advocacy tool, describes poverty as a multidimensional concept at the top of the political agenda, addresses the root causes of poverty, and amplifies the voices of people experiencing poverty both at national and regional levels.