European Economic
and Social Committee
591st Plenary session 23-24 Oct 2024
591st plenary session, with the following debates:
- A European flagship initiative for health, with Simona Bellagambi, Vice-President of EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe and Maya Matthews, Head of the State of Health, European Semester, Health Technology Assessment Unit, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission, linked to the adoption of the opinions SOC/801 Devising a European flagship initiative for health and SOC/806 Leaving No One Behind: European Commitment to Tackling Rare Diseases at 15:00 on Wednesday 23 October 2024
- Enlargement High-Level Forum: Towards a Successful EU Enlargement, from 9:00 to 16:15 on Thursday 24 October - Presentation and Programme of the Forum
You will be able to follow the debates by web streaming. Web streaming