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El Comité de Seguimiento UE-Rusia es el órgano interno del CESE responsable de las relaciones con la sociedad civil rusa.

Desde que las autoridades de la Federación de Rusia iniciaron la guerra contra Ucrania el 24 de febrero de 2022, la sociedad civil libre de Rusia ha sido silenciada por leyes especiales y una represión creciente, mientras que muchos críticos del régimen se han visto obligados a exiliarse.

En las difíciles circunstancias actuales, el CESE ha decidido mantener la puerta abierta al diálogo con el sector antibelicista de la sociedad civil rusa presente en el territorio de la UE.

Esto ha dado lugar a un fructífero intercambio de información y de puntos de vista sobre cómo deben desarrollarse las relaciones bilaterales tras el final de la guerra y el retorno a la libertad y la democracia en el país.

  • Mr Massimo TOSCHI, Programme Manager, Violence Against Women Project Team, EU Fundamental Rights Agency
    Presentation on the occasion of the EESC conference on Eradicating domestic violence, 21 Sep 2012, Brussels
  • Ms Frédérique FASTRE, Policy Officer at the "Gender Equality" Unit, DG Justice
    Presentation on the occasion of the EESC conference on Eradicating domestic violence, 21 Sep 2012, Brussels
  • Ms Liri KOPACI-Di MICHELE, Head of Council of Europe Division "Gender Equality and Violence against Women"
    Presentation on the occasion of the EESC conference on Eradicating domestic violence, 21 Sep 2012, Brussels
    EESC conference Eradicating Domestic Violence Brussels 21 Sep 2012 - presentation Liri Kopaci-Di Michele
  • Ms Barbara LIMANOWSKA, Acting Head of Operations & Senior Gender Mainstreaming Expert at the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
    Presentation on the occasion of the EESC conference on Eradicating domestic violence, 21 Sep 2012, Brussels
  • Prof. Dr. Marianne HESTER, Professor of Gender, Violence and International Policy at the Bristol University and Member of the Advisory Board of "Women Against Violence Europe" (WAVE)
    Presentation on the occasion of the EESC conference on Eradicating domestic violence, 21 Sep 2012, Brussels
  • M. Sieh, Alliance ELIANT – European Alliance of Initiatives for Applied Anthroposophy
    Intervention on the occasion of the EESC conference on Eradicating domestic violence, 21 Sep 2012, Brussels
    EESC conference Eradicating Domestic Violence Brussels 21 Sep 2012 - presentation Sieh
  • Speaker
    Staffan Nilsson
    The European Economic and Social Committee is very keen to engage with youth on sustainable development as we are preparing to give input and participate in the UN Conference on Sustainable Development that will take place in 20-22 June in Rio de Janeiro. This Conference is a crucial opportunity to send a clear message for a global change towards a green and sustainable economy and poverty eradication.
    Staffan Nilsson`s welcome speech at "Your Europe Your Say"
  • Speaker
    Staffan Nilsson
    Youth unemployment rates are much higher than unemployment rates for all ages. More than 5 million young people in the EU are unemployed today. This means that one in five young people on the labour market cannot find a job. As President of the European Economic and Social Committee, but also as citizen, I believe that we all must act for that our children can be better off than us. My generation did not get any problem to get a job. Our children meet problems now. It is a great concern for me as a person, as a father and as a grandfather, as well as President of the EESC. And Georgios Dassis, President of the Employees' Group in the EESC, shares this concern. This is the reason why we decided to gather here today. Georgios would agree with me that leaving the young people aside would mean compromising the future of the EU and of our children.
    SN speech 24.01.2012
  • Jesús Ferreiro (University of the Basque Country)
    Presentation by Jesús Ferreiro (University of the Basque Country) on the occasion of the 20th LMO meeting on 6 June 2011 in Madrid, Spain