The rights of live-in care workers (own-initiative opinion)

Download — EESC opinion: The rights of live-in care workers (own-initiative opinion)

Key points

The EESC calls on the European Union to work closely with Member States to coordinate supply and mobility of live-in care workers as part of an approach to improve the overall capacity of the sector to deliver quality care. Specific measures should include: improving safeguards in the Employers’ Sanctions Directive (2009/52/EC) to protect labour rights of undocumented workers in order to tackle irregular employment. The Victims’ Rights Directive (2012/29/EU) must be rigorously applied to provide effective support for live-in care workers who are victims of exploitation, regardless of their migration status;

  • bringing all relevant EU directives into line with International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention No 189 providing rights for domestic workers;
  • including the rights of live-in carers and their care recipients in revisions of European and Member States’ legislation;
  • prioritising the reform of live-in care arrangements in the European Platform Against Undeclared Work;
  • bringing their issues into the European Semester and including them in "New start for work-life balance" consultations;
  • initiating a Europe-wide information campaign on the rights of live-in care workers addressed to care users and providers;
  • promoting and supporting the establishment of organisations and cooperatives of live-in care workers;
  • implementing processes for recognition, harmonisation and transferability of qualifications and experience acquired by live-in care workers;
  • redirecting European funds to finance training courses for live-in care workers;
  • monitoring and improving posting of live-in carers by implementing the principle of equal pay for equal work.



Report on the EESC country visits to the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy & Poland following up on the EESC opinion on “The rights of live-in care workers”