
  • The EESC President Röpke discussed the fight against disinformation with the Moldovan government, civil society, and local activist in Gagauzia, a region particularly affected by Russian disinformation. He also officially presented the EESC initiative to integrate the representatives of the EU candidate countries, including from Moldova, in the work of the Committee. 

  • During today's signing ceremony, President Röpke stressed the importance of promoting social rights and inclusive policies in the EU and candidate countries through the European Pillar of Social Rights. A fair and equitable society requires commitment and investment, he said.

  • Employment in agriculture has been steadily declining over the last 15 years. The agri-food industry relies heavily on the contributions of seasonal and migrant workers to meet the demands of planting, harvesting, and processing crops. The current situation, best practices, opportunities, and the state of play of European policies on seasonal and migrant workers were discussed at a seminar organised by SafeHabitus and hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

  • The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference will take place on 15 and 16 April 2024 in Brussels with a twist! This year, Europe's top circular economy conference is joining forces with the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and with the World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF)T

  • Într-un aviz adoptat în sesiunea plenară din martie, Comitetul Economic și Social European (CESE) subliniază că energia eoliană este o componentă-cheie a tranziției verzi și insistă asupra necesității unor rețele energetice extinse și modernizate, a aplicării unor criterii socio-ecologice în cadrul licitațiilor și a participării extinse a cetățenilor.

  • In response to the European Commission's proposals for a comprehensive forest monitoring framework, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has issued an opinion which includes  cautious welcomes, recommendations, and calls for further review. The EESC emphasizes the need for sustainability, inclusivity, and respect for property rights in the proposed forest data system, while also urging attention to technical limitations and judicial considerations.

  • The European Economic and Social Commitee (EESC) organized a parallel session on Food Democracy during the Open Food Conference held in Leuven from the 11th to the 13th of March 2024, in the context of Belgium's presidency of the Council of the EU.

  • Join us at the European Economic and Social Committee's March plenary in Brussels on March 20-21, 2024, where the 2024 EU elections will be at the forefront of discussions. Featuring key debates on topics such as the future of the Single Market, insights into the 2024 European Elections through a Civil Society Lens, discussions on the humanitarian situation in Gaza, and crafting a strong social strategic agenda for Europe.

  • Cu ocazia sesiunii sale plenare din luna februarie, Comitetul Economic și Social European (CESE) a adoptat o poziție fermă în favoarea creării unui mediu de afaceri mai bun pentru IMM-urile din Europa: legislația UE trebuie să „gândească mai întâi la scară mică” și să reducă birocrația inutilă.

  • Unequal care burden, gender pay and pension gap or cultural stereotypes and norms still make poverty more female than male