Additional considerations on the Annual Sustainable Growth Survey 2024

Every year in February, the EESC adopts an opinion on the Annual Sustainable Growth Survey (ASGS), which the Commission usually presents at the end of November in the year before. To reinforce the Committee's impact throughout the entire annual European Semester cycle, an own-initiative opinion with additional considerations is regularly produced by October taking into account the overall European Semester process and RRF developments, and providing a timely input to the Commission's preparation of the next ASGS expected again for November 2024. The Communication on the ASGS 2024 outlines the economic and employment policy priorities for the EU for the following 12 months, focusing on short-term energy shock mitigation, medium-term sustainable growth and resilience in the EU, and alignment with the long-term EU objectives. The structured approach centres around the 4 dimensions of competitive sustainability and is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The ASGS continues to guide Member States in the implementation of the national RRPs, with the European Semester playing a central role, especially in the ongoing revision of the European economic governance framework.

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