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Uppföljningskommittén EU–Ryssland är EESK:s interna organ med ansvar för förbindelserna med det ryska civila samhället.

Sedan de ryska myndigheterna inledde kriget mot Ukraina den 24 februari 2022 har det fria civila samhället i Ryssland tystats genom särskilda lagar och ökande förtryck, samtidigt som många regimkritiker har tvingats till exil.

Under de rådande svåra omständigheterna har EESK beslutat att hålla dörren öppen för dialog med de delar av det ryska civila samhället som motsätter sig kriget och som är närvarande på EU:s territorium.

Detta har lett till givande utbyten av information och åsikter om hur de bilaterala förbindelserna bör fortskrida efter krigets slut och en återgång till frihet och demokrati i landet.

  • The EESC has set up a permanent study group on Roma inclusion which will be monitoring the implementation the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies from the point on view of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).

    Anti-gypsyism and discrimination are important barriers to Roma enjoying full rights and this hearing plans to map possible avenues for redress for Roma, including equality bodies. The hearing will allow for the exchange of best practices on how Roma can address violations of their rights.

  • The EESC Employers' Group is organising a seminar on "Strengthening European Growth and Competitiveness: Proactive Trade Agenda – NOW!" taking place on 26 October in Helsinki and jointly organized with the Confederation of Finnish Industries and the International Chamber of Commerce, ICC Finland.

    Trade and Investment are hugely important for the EU: 1 in 7 EU jobs depend on exports. The EU cannot risk falling behind in the global race to build a wide and ambitious network of free trade agreements. The signing of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement (involving 12 countries and 40% of world GDP) is a timely reminder of this. This seminar, which will be attended by many of our Members together with Finnish employers and entrepreneurs, politicians and academics aims to examine how to best contribute positively to the debate as trade agreements (TTIP - TISA - CETA - EU-JAPAN) increasingly become a top political issue.

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    In 2016 the EU-Africa Network of economic and social stakeholders will gather Nairobi (Kenya) on 6-7 July. This year the focus will be on:

    • MIGRATION (follow-up to the Valletta Summit between EU and African heads of state, comparative of EU and African approaches to legal migration)

    • CLIMATE CHANGE AND AGRICULTURE (how to facilitate socio-economic actors' access to financial resources to fight against climate change)

    The EESC will organise a meeting bringing together the representatives of the employers, workers and various interests' group (particularly farmers) from both continents to reinforce cooperation among European and African socio-economic actors, raise awareness and improve knowledge of available sources of financing to tackle climate change and identify common strategies and possible partnerships.

    The conclusions of the economic and social stakeholders' meeting will be summarised in a document that will be sent to political bodies and the main EU and African partners.