Press releases

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    The president vows to make the European Economic and Social Committee a true civil society gateway and open its doors to the EU accession countries. In the run-up to the 2024 European elections, the Committee will take on a more active role to stand up for democracy and strive for a more resilient, prosperous and inclusive Europe.

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    Speaking at an event marking 30 years of the single market, Mr Monti said this anniversary afforded an opportunity for EU institutions to call out the European Council and expose national governments' attempts to hide behind the imperfections of the single market while paying lip service to it.

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    Den 23–24 mars stod Europeiska ekonomiska och sociala kommittén (EESK) för 14:e gången värd för ”Ditt Europa, din mening!” (YEYS!) i Bryssel, med 105 elever från 35 skolor från alla 27 EU-länder och de sju kandidatländerna. Med tanke på de många samhälleliga och ekonomiska utmaningarna, det krympande medborgerliga utrymmet och hoten mot freden och de grundläggande rättigheterna, var årets konferens inriktad på ”ungdomsdialoger om demokrati” och syftade till att se till att ungdomars röster blir hörda vid utformningen av framtidens Europa. Elevernas rekommendationer kommer att läggas fram för EU-institutionerna och EU:s beslutsfattare på hög nivå i juni 2023.

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    On 23 March, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held a plenary debate and adopted a resolution entitled "United for Democracy" with concrete proposals to strengthen democracies and democratic values across the European Union. Policymakers, experts, and organised civil society representatives agreed that civic education, better funding to social partners and a focus on the local dimension, are key to democracy in Europe.

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    At its March plenary session, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) hosted Ambassador Lachezara Stoeva, president of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Ambassador Stoeva strongly supported the key role civil society must play in implementing the 2030 Agenda.

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    At its plenary session in March, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held a debate with Italy's Minister of Labour and Social Policies, Marina Elvira Calderone, on making EU labour markets stronger and more inclusive. The EESC reiterated its support for the European Commission's proposal to strengthen national equality bodies, which are entrusted with promoting equality for all and combating discrimination in employment.

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    At the European Economic and Social Committee's March plenary, EESC President Christa Schweng and European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson reiterated the bloc's strong commitment to Europe's clean energy future.

  • As part of the European Year of Skills, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held a conference on "Skills and talents as key drivers for personal fulfilment, economic growth and competitiveness" on 10 March to assess the needs and issue recommendations regarding skills development in the EU.

  • On International Women's Day 2023, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held a debate on dismantling gender stereotypes in education, which are still stopping girls and young women from making their own study and career choices and achieving their full professional potential.

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    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)'s Civil Society Days kicked off today with two sessions discussing how best to protect civic space in the EU against forces eating away at it,  be it national governments or foreign powers.