Mednarodna trgovina

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Mednarodno trgovino ureja kompleksna mešanica globalnih pravil, dogovorjenih v okviru Svetovne trgovinske organizacije ter dvostranskih in večstranskih sporazumov. Sporazumi o prosti trgovini vse bolj vplivajo na pravice državljanov. V skladu z Lizbonsko pogodbo je treba trgovinsko politiko EU izvajati v skladu z načeli in cilji zunanjega delovanja Unije, ki vključujejo spodbujanje pravne države, človekovih pravic in trajnostnega razvoja.

Po našem mnenju bi moral biti ta trend vodilno načelo trgovinskih pogajanj in odnosov EU. Člani EESO z usklajevanjem stališč in mnenj podjetij, delavcev, strokovnjakov, kmetov, potrošnikov in drugih pomembnih deležnikov prispevamo dejansko dodano vrednost. Tako lahko med pogajanji o trgovinskih sporazumih in pri njihovem izvajanju mednarodnim oblikovalce politike učinkovito seznanjamo s stališči civilne družbe in interesnih skupin. Ustanovili smo spremljevalni odbor za mednarodno trgovino, ki bo zagotavljal sodelovanje civilne družbe pri oblikovanju trgovinske politike EU. Upravljamo tudi notranje svetovalne skupine, ustanovljene v skladu s poglavjem o trgovini in trajnostnem razvoju v novi generaciji trgovinskih sporazumov EU. Te skupine, sestavljene iz predstavnikov civilne družbe (iz EESO in zunaj njega), so odgovorne za opredeljevanje težav, povezanih s trgovino in trajnostnim razvojem, pri izvajanju trgovinskega sporazuma.

  • 2023 TSD Forum
    The other side of trade: a bottom-up approach to sustainable development

    The EESC hosted the 2nd Civil Society Forum on Trade and Sustainable Development : ' The other side of trade: a bottom-up approach to sustainable development' on 14 November 2023. Moving on from the fundamental question "Have we been listening?", the event examined Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD) from different angles with a common approach: inclusive, bottom-up and solution-oriented.

  • The 9th meeting of the EU Domestic Advisory Group (DAG) under the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), and the first meeting of the new 2023-25 term, took place on 19 July, 2023.

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    EU-Central America joint meeting of civil society Advisory Groups and Civil Society Dialogue Forum

  • On 8 March 2023, the fifth meeting of the EU Domestic Advisory Group was held in a hybrid format. One of the objectives of the meeting was to prepare the European side for the upcoming joint meeting with the Singapore DAG.

  • 12 December 2022 - Hybrid Brussels



  • 18th meeting of the EU - DAG Colombia-Peru-Ecuador

    17 October 2022 - Hybrid Brussels

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    8th joint meeting of the EU DAG and representatives from the domestic mechanisms of Colombia, Peru and Ecuador and Civil Society Open Session

    28 October 2022 - Virtual

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    Discussion on civil society role under the modernized Association Agreement (AA) confirmed a strong commitment of both sides to continue working together as JCC. The JCC approved the Joint Declaration.

  • 12 July 2022 - Hybrid - Room JDE52

    The 2nd meeting of the All DAGs (Domestic Advisory Groups) takes place on 12 July 10 a.m. in a Hybrid format at the EESC premises (room JDE52). This is very timely following the recent adoption of the European Commission Communication on the Trade and Sustainable Development Review (TSD). This meeting will look at the state of play and future of the Domestic Advisory Groups (DAGs) under the EU Free Trade Agreements, as well as the important role of trade and sustainability in promoting fair and inclusive growth worldwide and resilient supply chains.

  • Breaking down the silos

    The Forum aimed to break down the silos and enable inclusive and interactive debates between institutions, academia and civil society, all on an equal footing. The event covered topics relevant to trade and sustainable development (TSD) – from substantive rights through monitoring to enforcement and much more. The ambition was to feed innovative ideas and concrete recommendations to the ongoing reflections on the future of EU TSD policy, in the double context of the review of the 15-point action plan and recent trade and sustainability developments outside the EU.