AKP in Afrika

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Od prve konvencije iz Loméja (1975) do Sporazuma iz Cotonouja (2000–2021) so partnerstva EU-AKP urejala odnose med EU in 79 članicami skupine afriških, karibskih in pacifiških držav (AKP), ki se je nedavno preimenovala v Organizacijo afriških, karibskih in pacifiških držav. 

EESO si je v vsem tem obdobju skupaj s civilno družbo držav AKP prizadeval za priznanje ključne vloge, ki jo imajo nedržavni akterji pri razvoju, dokler to ni bilo doseženo s Sporazumom iz Cotonouja, s katerim je EESO dobil nalogo, da organizira dejavnosti in posvetovanja z ekonomskimi in socialnimi interesnimi skupinami iz držav AKP in EU, da se zberejo stališča organizirane civilne družbe in se ji prisluhne. Cilj je bil spodbujati izmenjave in oblikovati priporočila o vprašanjih in politikah, pomembnih v odnosih med AKP in EU, ki so bili kasneje uradno naslovljeni na voditelje EU in AKP.

V praksi se dejavnosti EESO v okviru odnosov med EU in Organizacijo afriških, karibskih in pacifiških držav izvajajo predvsem pod okriljem vključujočega spremljevalnega odbora EU-AKP, ki ga sestavljajo člani EESO in delegati, ki zastopajo ekonomske in socialne interesne skupine držav AKP

Spremljevalni odbor EU-AKP vzdržuje redne stike s predstavniki civilne družbe v državah AKP na različnih ravneh, in sicer z:

  • rednimi sejami spremljevalnega odbora EU-AKP,
  • regionalnimi seminarji v državah AKP, ki zagotavljajo forum za razpravo o temah skupnega interesa s predstavniki civilne družbe, vsakokrat v drugi regiji,
  • skupščinami ekonomskih in socialnih interesnih skupin AKP-EU vsake tri leta v Bruslju.

EESO je v okviru skupne strategije Afrika-EU v rednih stikih s predstavniki ekonomskih in socialnih interesnih skupin Afriške unije. Vsako leto organizira srečanja z mrežo gospodarskih in družbenih akterjev EU in Afrike.

EESO poleg tega že več let vzdržuje redne stike s skupno parlamentarno skupščino AKP-EU, tako da na njenih sejah predstavlja poročila o svojih dejavnostih.

Tesno sodeluje tudi z mednarodnimi organizacijami delodajalcev, delavcev, kmetov, zadrug in potrošnikov. Te organizacije imenujejo predstavnike skupine držav AKP, ki so povabljeni na seje EESO, vključno s spremljevalnim odborom EU-AKP.

  • Reference number

    The EESC held the 28th Meeting of Economic and Social Interest Groups of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group of states and EU countries in Brussels on 15-16 May. Trade relations, the new European consensus for development, prevention and reduction of food loss and waste, industrialisation as a development driver, and the future of EU relations with ACP countries were the five main themes of the conference, as outlined in a jointly accepted declaration ...

  • Reference number

    Georges Dassis, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, conducted a goodwill and working visit to Côte d’Ivoire from 27 to 31 January 2017, at the invitation of Charles Koffi Diby, President of the Côte d’Ivoire Economic, Social, Environmental and Cultural Council (CESEC). The aim of the visit was to strengthen cooperation between the two institutions. During his visit, Mr Dassis exchanged views with the president of the CESEC on wide ...


  • Reference number

    After the COP21 in Paris came up with a number of financial commitments by all sorts of national and international donors, EU and African socio-economic stakeholders gathering in Nairobi called for better information on and access to climate-mitigation funding. Members of ...

  • Reference number

    The EESC calls for new EU-ACP partnership that puts civil society in the driving seat. During its Plenary session today, the EESC put forward recommendations on how EU trade, aid and development mechanisms should be reshaped to be more effective in dealing with current and future challenges in relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. These recommendations will influence the new framework that will replace the current Cotonou Partnership Agreement (CPA), signed by 79 ACP countries and the EU and due to expire in February 2020. Despite some ...


  • On 9 November 2023, the ACP-EU Follow-up Committee held a meeting for a timely update on ACP-EU relations and with a view to discuss the participation of civil society in the post-Cotonou Agreement, the so-called Samoa Agreement that has been signed on 15 November.

  • The CARIFORUM-EU Consultative Committee (CC) was established with the task and responsibility of fostering meaningful dialogue and collaboration among delegates from civil society organizations, including the academic community, and social and economic stakeholders.

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    The AU-EU partnership for a sustainable future

    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organises regular consultations of the European Union‑Africa Economic and Social Stakeholders' Network, which gathers representatives of organised civil society (employers and chambers of commerce, employees and trade unions, cooperatives, farmers' organisations, consumers' organisations, NGOs, etc.) from both continents.

    The 8th meeting of the EU-Africa Economic and Social Stakeholders' Network will take place in Brussels, Belgium, on 28-29 June 2023, at EESC premises, with the participation of African Union Economic, Social and Cultural Council (AU ECOSOCC).

  • Meeting of the EU-ACP Follow-up Committee - April  2022

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    Being the first in-person meeting since the irruption of COVID-19 pandemic, Delegates from Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific and EESC Members are gathering in the context of the pending signature of the Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS).