AKP in Afrika

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Od prve konvencije iz Loméja (1975) do Sporazuma iz Cotonouja (2000–2021) so partnerstva EU-AKP urejala odnose med EU in 79 članicami skupine afriških, karibskih in pacifiških držav (AKP), ki se je nedavno preimenovala v Organizacijo afriških, karibskih in pacifiških držav. 

EESO si je v vsem tem obdobju skupaj s civilno družbo držav AKP prizadeval za priznanje ključne vloge, ki jo imajo nedržavni akterji pri razvoju, dokler to ni bilo doseženo s Sporazumom iz Cotonouja, s katerim je EESO dobil nalogo, da organizira dejavnosti in posvetovanja z ekonomskimi in socialnimi interesnimi skupinami iz držav AKP in EU, da se zberejo stališča organizirane civilne družbe in se ji prisluhne. Cilj je bil spodbujati izmenjave in oblikovati priporočila o vprašanjih in politikah, pomembnih v odnosih med AKP in EU, ki so bili kasneje uradno naslovljeni na voditelje EU in AKP.

V praksi se dejavnosti EESO v okviru odnosov med EU in Organizacijo afriških, karibskih in pacifiških držav izvajajo predvsem pod okriljem vključujočega spremljevalnega odbora EU-AKP, ki ga sestavljajo člani EESO in delegati, ki zastopajo ekonomske in socialne interesne skupine držav AKP

Spremljevalni odbor EU-AKP vzdržuje redne stike s predstavniki civilne družbe v državah AKP na različnih ravneh, in sicer z:

  • rednimi sejami spremljevalnega odbora EU-AKP,
  • regionalnimi seminarji v državah AKP, ki zagotavljajo forum za razpravo o temah skupnega interesa s predstavniki civilne družbe, vsakokrat v drugi regiji,
  • skupščinami ekonomskih in socialnih interesnih skupin AKP-EU vsake tri leta v Bruslju.

EESO je v okviru skupne strategije Afrika-EU v rednih stikih s predstavniki ekonomskih in socialnih interesnih skupin Afriške unije. Vsako leto organizira srečanja z mrežo gospodarskih in družbenih akterjev EU in Afrike.

EESO poleg tega že več let vzdržuje redne stike s skupno parlamentarno skupščino AKP-EU, tako da na njenih sejah predstavlja poročila o svojih dejavnostih.

Tesno sodeluje tudi z mednarodnimi organizacijami delodajalcev, delavcev, kmetov, zadrug in potrošnikov. Te organizacije imenujejo predstavnike skupine držav AKP, ki so povabljeni na seje EESO, vključno s spremljevalnim odborom EU-AKP.

  • Sprejeta on 17/10/2013
    Employers - GR I
    Czech Republic
    Plenary session number

    Given the EESC specific expertise, the EESC's opinion is particularly sought on the role of the private sector –taking into account its diversity from SMEs to multinational companies- in fostering smart and sustainable economic growth and creating jobs, as well as investing in training, education, research and innovation, key enabling technologies such as information and communication technologies (ICT). Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, Public-Private Partnerships, joint innovation and inclusive business models could also be issues to be investigated. Possible mechanisms, processes allowing the involvement of the "private sector" in a global partnership for development in a post 2015 framework would also be of interest.

    Involvement of the private sector in the post 2015 development framework
  • Sprejeta on 22/05/2013
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number

    The opinion of the EESC should consider different options and scenarios for post-2015 and develop proposals on how to involve civil society more extensively in the process.

    A Decent life for All: Ending poverty and giving the world a sustainable future
  • Sprejeta on 12/03/2013
    Workers - GR II
    In this opinion, the EESC will aim to adopt a stance on the role of social protection in development policy. This is likely to be one of the main topics in the debate about the new goals of development policy which are to replace the Millennium Development Goals after 2015.
    Social protection in European Union development cooperation
  • Sprejeta on 09/01/2013
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number
    The EESC considers that the EU's underlying objectives for the renewed EU-Pacific development Partnership are ambitious, but believes that the implementing arrangements, which mainly concern environmental protection and biodiversity conservation in the region, are not clear. Synergies are needed with other organisations to address the impact of climate change, which has a cross-cutting impact on national and multilateral policies as well as social and economic repercussions. Issues associated with the impact of climate change should be incorporated in the area's comprehensive environmental policies and ensure coherent behaviour and actions. To this end, the active involvement of all local stakeholders is necessary.
    Towards a renewed EU-Pacific development Partnership
  • Sprejeta on 24/05/2012
    Workers - GR II

    EU support for good governance and human rights (pillar of the agenda for change) should be aimed at promoting a human rights-based approach to development whose features are: participation in political processes, democratic ownership and empowerment of rights holders; human rights compliance systems on internationally agreed commitments; policy coherence between human rights, aid, and economic policies.

    Increasing the impact of EU Development Policy Agenda for change / The future approach to EU Budget Support to third countries
  • Sprejeta on 28/03/2012
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number
    Civil society involvement in the EU's development policies
  • Sprejeta on 15/07/2010
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number
    Social Economy in Africa
  • Sprejeta on 29/04/2010
    Employers - GR I
    Plenary session number
    Connecting Africa and Europe: working towards strengthening transport cooperation
  • Sprejeta on 01/10/2009
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number
    The EU, Africa and China
  • On 22 November, participants in the 17th regional seminar of ACP-EU economic and social interest groups adopted a declaration highlighting the potential of the blue economy as a key factor for development in many eastern and southern African countries. The event, hosted by the EESC in Mauritius, was also an opportunity for civil society representatives to call for a greater role for civil society in the negotiation of Economic Partnership Agreements and bilateral Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements (SFPAs) and to acknowledge the role played by African and EU economic and social groups in the development of infrastructure.