
  • A delegation from the ESC in the Castile and Leon region – led by its president, Germán Barrios, and made up of regional representatives from the CCOO and UGT trade unions – met with the EESC President, Georges Dassis, who was accompanied by Isabel Caño Aguilar, a member of the Workers' Group, to inform him of the problems facing the region that had been caused by companies moving away.


    Dňa 8. februára o 12.00 navštívi študentov zo Súkromnej strednej odbornej školy v Bátorových Kosihách, členka Európskeho hospodárskeho a sociálneho výboru (EHSV), ktorý ich pripraví na podujatie „Vaša Európa, váš názor“ („Your Europe, Your Say“). Ide o zhromaždenie európskej mládeže, ktoré sa uskutoční v sídle EHSV v Bruseli 30. – 31. marca 2017, a na ktorom sa zídu zástupcovia 33 škôl z EÚ a kandidátskych krajín, aby diskutovali o budúcnosti Európy.



  • On 8 February the ECON and BUDG Committees in the European Parliament organised a workshop on the European Fund for Strategic Investments. Before the workshop, Mr Mazzola, EESC rapporteur, presented the EESC Opinion on the extension of the European Fund for Strategic Investments to the European Parliament Rapporteurs of the BUDG, ECON, TRAN, REGI, EMPL and ITRE Committees. All rapporteurs showed great interest in our opinion and its recommendations.

  • The event focused on analyzing the information barriers that SMEs face when searching for funds, especially in the case of bank loans, on possible solutions and on support and advisory structures.

  • On 7 February 2017, in the context of the exploratory opinion on "Islands in the EU: from structural handicap to inclusive territory" requested by the Maltese Presidency, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organised a hearing on "What future for islands in the EU" at the Malta Chamber of Commerce in Valletta.

  • The event brought together the European Commission, represented by Didier Millerot (Head of Unit in DG FISMA), MEPs Jeppe Kofod (co-rapporteur on the PANA Inquiry Committee), Bernd Lucke (ECON rapporteur on Covered Bonds), and Olle Ludvigsson (ECON), and stakeholders' representatives to discuss how covered bonds can help microfinance and boost innovation. The EESC was represented by Ms Milena Angelova, rapporteur for the opinion on "EU Regulatory Framework for Financial Services".

  • On 7th February, as we mark the 25th anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty, the European Economic and Social Committee turns to political leaders, the European civil society organisations which we represent, and all European citizens, with a call: the call for social and economic solidarity, which is urgently needed across Europe. 25 years ago, Europe was in turmoil: the aftermath of the Cold War; the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany; the path of Eastern European countries to democracy, all shaped the zeitgeist. Yet, on this momentous day in 1992, the 12 nations of the European Communities signed this European Treaty, thus creating the European Union as we know it and its greatest achievement, the single currency. Today, the geo-political landscape ...

  • The 3 presentations delivered during the latest NAT section meeting of the 6 February 2017 are now available.

  • Commissioner Karmenu Vella presented his green-blue portfolio at the meeting of the NAT Section on 6 February.

  • On 1 February 2017, professors Jörg Bibow and Heiner Flassbeck presented a study on austerity and wage reduction at the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU. EESC member Javier Doz Orrit also attended the debate in the framework of his consultative activities as rapporteur for the EESC opinion on the "Recommendation on the economic policy of the euro area".