Relațiile transatlantice

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UE, SUA și Canada împărtășesc valorile democrației, drepturilor omului, libertății economice și politice și au o politică externă și preocupări în materie de securitate similare. SUA și Canada se numără printre principalii parteneri comerciali ai UE și sunt, de asemenea, partenere la configurarea ordinii juridice internaționale. În prezent, relațiile transatlantice se desfășoară într-un mediu nou și se confruntă cu provocări tot mai mari. Considerăm că implicarea societății civile în această relație garantează că relațiile transatlantice pot răspunde așteptărilor publicului și contribuie în mod efectiv la conturarea unei cooperări reciproc avantajoase.

Acordul economic și comercial cuprinzător (CETA) UE-Canada și acordul de parteneriat strategic au fost semnate la 30 octombrie 2016. Vom urmări implicarea constantă a societății civile în punerea în aplicare a acestor acorduri. În prezent, negocierile privind Parteneriatul transatlantic pentru comerț și investiții (TTIP) stagnează. Totuși, negocierile privind TTIP au contribuit la consolidarea legăturilor dintre societatea civilă din UE și cea din SUA și la definirea opiniilor societății civile cu privire la modul în care ar trebui să se prezinte viitoarea relație comercială dintre UE și SUA. Aceste realizări nu ar trebui irosite. Comitetul de monitorizare a relațiilor transatlantice al CESE a fost înființat în septembrie 2014, având sarcina de a monitoriza legăturile transatlantice cu societatea civilă, organizând dialoguri și consultări periodice pe teme privind relațiile cu SUA și cu Canada.

  • Aviz adoptat on 08/12/2021 - Bureau decision date: 25/03/2021
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Employers - GR I

    Recent years have been marked by a persistent global decline in democratic values and the rule of law. While many differences remain and have to be acknowledged, North America has unquestionably been our closest historical ally in championing democracy and its values across the world. The arrival of the new administration in the US has provided a new momentum and a unique opportunity to build the new transatlantic partnership and jointly manage not only the internal, but also global challenges, especially with regard to powers which do not share the same values, such as China or Russia. President Biden's initiative to organise a Summit for Democracy at a time when autocracies are on the offensive is only the first step in building a strong international democratic alliance.

    EESC opinion: A strong transatlantic partnership based on the common values of democracy and the rule of law, key in tackling global challenges and preserving international order (own-initiative opinion)
  • Aviz adoptat on 21/09/2016 - Bureau decision date: 12/07/2016

    On 12 June 2014, the Commission presented a proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council codifying Council Regulation (EC) No 673/2005 of 25 April 2005 establishing additional customs duties on imports of certain products originating in the United States of America.

    EESC opinion: Imports of certain products originating in the United States of America (codification)
  • Aviz adoptat on 21/09/2016 - Bureau decision date: 21/01/2016
    Workers - GR II

    The EESC has played an important role in strengthening an informed civil society debate on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) through a number of TTIP-related opinions, adopted in 2014 and 2015, covering issues such as labour rights, investment protection, impact on SMEs, among others.

    It is important under the present circumstances that the EESC, in order to maintain its position as a key civil society player in the TTIP debate, react to the textual proposals for TTIP negotiations on essential topics such as the sustainable development chapter, regulatory cooperation, investment and services. This will have the advantage not only of setting up the EESC position on major negotiating chapters but also of presenting concrete recommendations and pointing out the need to involve civil society in the implementation of those chapters.

    EESC opinion: The position of the EESC on specific key issues of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations (own-initiative opinion)
  • Aviz adoptat on 02/07/2015
    Employers - GR I
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number

    The own-initiative opinion will focus on the impact of the TTIP on SMEs and reflect on the provisions that would need to be included in the TTIP in order to take account of the specific character of SMEs in the negotiations and implementation of an eventual EU-US agreement. The opinion will also look at how to increase the awareness of SMEs as to existing support services and programmes, and particularly about the new business opportunities that may arise with this agreement.

    TTIP and its impact on SMEs
  • Aviz adoptat on 27/05/2015
    Workers - GR II
    United Kingdom
    Plenary session number

    Since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the investment policy is an exclusive competence of the European Union. The EU is aiming to include therefore in the new trade and investment agreements provisions on investor protection and investor to state dispute settlement (ISDS) which will replace existing Bilateral Investment Agreements (BIT) signed by Member States and will grant the same level of protection to all EU investors.

    Investor protection and investor to State dispute settlement in EU trade and investment agreements with third countries
    The EESC opposes ISDS in TTIP and CETA and calls for an International Investment Court
  • Aviz adoptat on 04/06/2014
    Employers - GR I
    Workers - GR II
    United Kingdom
    Plenary session number

    The main goal of the opinion is to provide a good and qualitative source of information and opinion in the beginning of TTIP negotiations process.

    Transatlantic trade relations and the EESC's views on an enhanced cooperation and eventual EU-US FTA
  • Reference number

    At its July plenary, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) argued that the new Trade and Technology Council (TTC) can become an innovative tool for both the EU and USA to work together towards a safer and more prosperous world, based on the principles of sustainable development and democratic values.

  • The EESC’s Transatlantic Relations Follow-up Committee met to discuss two current and timely topics with the aim of strengthening the EU-US partnership on a global scene, particularly important in the current challenging international context: the state of play of the transatlantic trade policy and the Year of Action between the two Summits for Democracy.

  • With China and Russia on the offensive, a renewed and reliable transatlantic partnership is the key to maintaining international and legal order and peace. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) supports the idea of an Alliance of Democracies, ensuring that civil society has significant say in the joint defence of universal values and rights.

  • Through increased transatlantic dialogue, the Trade and Technology Council and the upcoming Summit for Democracy, the United States and the European Union have reached out to each other to jointly face global and internal challenges, and build a strong partnership on the basis of common democratic values.