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  • Latest update

    Quality legislation - which meets clear policy objectives, balances relevant interests, is well-drafted and coherent,  and as simple, easy to understand and implement as possible - is essential for any well-functioning society and for a strong democracy. As trade unionists, workers and citizens we know the pivotal role that legislation plays in guaranteeing our rights and freedoms, including providing the opportunity for redress when they are infringed either by employers, enterprises or the State. At the European level, there is an impressive framework of legislation aimed at protecting people's rights as workers, consumers and citizens, in the context of an ever deepening internal market which far too often is put in conflict with their interests.

    better regulation compendium
  • The aim of this report is to assess the whole issue of self-regulation and co-regulation in the context of the European Union and think about, in particular, what qualitative criteria are needed for a reliable and effective implementation of these participatory standard-setting instruments, which illustrate the role that civil society can actually play in the legislative process.

    EESC report: European Self- and Co-Regulation
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