Economia circular

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A transição para a economia circular ocupa um lugar cimeiro na ordem do dia do CESE enquanto solução para lutar contra a crise climática e proteger o planeta. Constitui ao mesmo tempo uma excelente oportunidade para a sociedade civil, pois pode contribuir para:

  • aumentar a competitividade da indústria europeia;
  • promover o crescimento económico sustentável;
  • criar novos postos de trabalho.

O modelo de produção e consumo linear, baseado no princípio «produz-utiliza-deita fora», que ainda domina a nossa economia não só resulta no desperdício de recursos como também prejudica a luta contra as alterações climáticas. Ao contrário da economia linear, a economia circular assenta numa conceção regenerativa e restauradora centrada na criação e retenção de valor económico, o que permite enfrentar os desafios ambientais a nível mundial, como as alterações climáticas, a perda de biodiversidade e a poluição, colhendo ao mesmo tempo benefícios económicos.

A boa notícia é que a transição para a economia circular já está em marcha no terreno. A nível local e regional, existem inúmeras iniciativas circulares concebidas e executadas pelas partes interessadas da sociedade civil, nomeadamente empresas, sindicatos, universidades e comunidades de conhecimento, organizações de juventude, ONG e outros grupos de interesses. A Europa tem a sua melhor oportunidade para acelerar a transição para a economia circular atuando como catalisador das soluções circulares das partes interessadas pertinentes e do seu papel de liderança neste processo.

Neste sentido, em 2017, o CESE e a Comissão Europeia criaram em conjunto a Plataforma Europeia das Partes Interessadas da Economia Circular, que visa reunir a comunidade da economia circular na Europa. Esta plataforma, dinamizada pelas partes interessadas, apoia a transição europeia para a economia circular promovendo o diálogo, partilhando conhecimentos e fazendo o intercâmbio de boas práticas entre os vários intervenientes.

  • Published in
    8 pages

    The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform is a joint initiative by the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), launched in March 2017. The two institutions are working closely together to promote the Platform as a space for the exchange of ideas and a growing body of information, and to make the circular economy happen faster to the benefit of all. At the EESC, the Platform is spearheaded by three Members: Anders Ladefoged (Group I: Employers), Maria Nikolopoulou (Group II: Workers) and Cillian Lohan (Group III: Diversity Europe).

  • Published in
    61 pages

    The use of single-use plastics in packaging has grown significantly in the last decades, and with it, the pollution of our environment. There is an urgent need to improve the sustainability of our food systems, which includes also the development of more sustainable food packaging. The objective of this study is to identify and examine successful examples and approaches to food packaging in the EU and beyond, considering consumer safety, environmental, economic, social, legal and food waste reduction considerations.

  • Published in
    8 pages

    The EESC Employers' Group strives for a business environment that contributes to sustainable development, while keeping the EU's economy resilient and resourceful in an ever-changing world.  Our Political Priorities beyond 2020 explain how to achieve this goal by fostering EU values, strengthening the EU's economic foundation, bringing the EU to the digital forefront and seizing opportunities provided by proactive climate action.

  • Published in
    60 pages

    The transition to the Circular Economy will impact businesses, workers and consumers in different ways/varying degrees across the economy. The Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector is crucial for this transition. In 2016, the consumer electronics sector alone produced 44.7 million tonnes of e-waste, with mobile phones accounting for 435 thousand tonnes, and a mere 20% being recycled. This study presents the opportunities and challenges arising from implementing a circular approach, using the mobile phone sector as an example.

  • Published in
    7 pages

    Circular economy strategies have been under development in European cities, regions, and countries in the last few years.  In the evolving context of the transition to a circular economy, strategies are valuable endeavours which draw attention to the topic, kickstart initiatives and bring stakeholders together. This publication is the executive summary of the study reviewing existing circular economy strategies across Europe, highlighting the different degrees of inclusiveness in terms of consultation.

  • Published in
    88 pages

    Circular economy strategies have been under development in European cities, regions, and countries in the last few years.  In the evolving context of the transition to a circular economy, strategies are valuable endeavours which draw attention to the topic, kickstart initiatives and bring stakeholders together.  This study reviews existing circular economy strategies across Europe, highlighting the different degrees of inclusiveness in terms of consultation.  The findings include a call for stronger involvement of civil society organisations in earlier phases of strategy deve

  • Published in
    2 pages

    Sustainable development with its economic, social and environmental dimensions is an inevitable approach to the future. Enterprises play a crucial role as generators of sustainable development. A favourable business environment is needed to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of sustainability. This document summarises the views of the Employers' Group on sustainable development.

  • Published in
    8 pages

    The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform was launched as a joint initiative by the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in March 2017. The two institutions are working closely together to develop the Platform as a space for the exchange of ideas and a growing body of information, and to make the circular economy happen faster to the benefit of all.

  • Published in
    124 pages

    The general objective of the Report is to study the recent evolution of the social economy in the European Union. It focuses on three areas: firstly, the social economy and the emergent concepts/movements related to it, secondly, the public policies adopted in both the EU and the member states in recent years to enhance the social economy sector and thirdly, measuring the weight of the social economy in each EU member country.

  • Published in
    28 pages

    The general objective of the Report is to study the recent evolution of the social economy in the European Union. It focuses on three areas: firstly, the social economy and the emergent concepts/movements related to it, secondly, the public policies adopted in both the EU and the member states in recent years to enhance the social economy sector and thirdly, measuring the weight of the social economy in each EU member country.