Thursday, 6 December

09.00   Registration of participants

09:30   Opening session

Roberto Zúñiga, co-chair of the JCC

Josep Puxeu Rocamora, co-chair of the JCC

Carolina Valdivia, under-secretary for foreign affairs of Chile

Stella Zervoudaki, EU ambassador to Chile

Presentation of the JCC members

10.15   Coffee break

10:45   First session: Investment and cooperation

Moderator: Mário Soares, Workers Group

Presentation by the Chilean counterpart: Mario Radrigán, Various Interests Group

Presentation by the European counterpart: Josep Puxeu Rocamora, Employers Group


13:00   Lunch break

14:30   Second session: Decent work and the informal economy

Moderator: Nicole Bellei, Various Interests Group

Presentation by the Chilean counterpart: Axel Rivas, Employers Group

Presentation by the European counterpart: Marie Zvolská, Employers Group


16:00   Coffee break

16:30   Third session: Sustainable Development Goals

Moderator: Miguel Santibáñez, Various Interests Group

Presentation by the Chilean counterpart: Nino Mundaca, Workers Group

Presentation by the European counterpart: Lutz Ribbe, Various Interests Group



Friday, 7 December

09:30   Fourth Session: Proposals for strengthening the role of the JCC

Moderator: Meelis Joost, Various Interests Group

Presentation by the Chilean counterpart: Pablo Bobic, Employers Group

Presentation by the European counterpart: Tatjana Babrauskiene, Workers Group


10:45   Coffee break

11:00   Discussion and adoption of the final declaration

11:45   Closing statement

Roberto Zúñiga, co-chair of the JCC, Employers Group

Josep Puxeu Rocamora, co-chair of the JCC, Employers Group

12:15   Closing cocktail

