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  • EKES: UE musi przeciwdziałać i zakazać wszelkiej dyskryminacji ze względu na płeć i niepełnosprawność odczuwanej przez 40 mln kobiet w Europie

    11 lipca Europejski Komitet Ekonomiczno-Społeczny (EKES) reprezentujący europejskie zorganizowane społeczeństwo obywatelskie wezwał instytucje unijne i państwa członkowskie do wzmożenia wysiłków na rzecz ochrony kobiet i dziewcząt z niepełnosprawnością, które nadal doświadczają wielorakich form dyskryminacji w europejskim społeczeństwie, zarówno ze względu na płeć, jak i niepełnosprawność, co często prowadzi do ich społecznego wykluczenia.


  • The EESC hosted a side event at the Conference of State Parties to CRPD in New York

    The implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) cannot be successful without fully including persons with disabilities (PWDs) in society and in the economy, by means of decent work in an inclusive labour system.  

  • Persons with disabilities may have the right to full social integration, but they are still not given the opportunity

    On 20 June, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held a hearing which showcased the positive impact of employing persons with disabilities, but also warned that prejudice and victimisation were still among the most important factors in their persistent exclusion from society and labour markets.

  • Access to information, more flexibility, transparency and control mechanisms are the main issues to be tackled when analysing the use of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), concluded the participants at the public hearing on 'Reviewing the 2014-2020 ESIF Regulations in favour of persons with disabilities and their representative organisations', held at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on 13 December in Brussels.

  • accessibility

    Technological developments are full of opportunities, but also risks, disability organisations warn at an EESC public hearing

    The EU Disability strategy for 2020-2030 should ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to a fully digitalised world, a conference on “The future of the EU Disability strategy after 2020” heard this month at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

  • Existing legislation has not been capable of fully addressing the impediments that people with disabilities face to find a job, as employers are frequently unaware of the benefits of employing them. This was one of the main messages of the hearing on "Employment of Persons with Disabilities", which took place last week at the EESC in Brussels. In her opening speech, Irena Petraitienė, EESC President of Permanent Study Group on Disability Rights, said: "Member States should initiate dialogue with...

  • A delegation of the EESC permanent Study Group on Disability Rights, composed by Ioannis Vardakastanis (Group III), Bernard Noël (Group II) and Dare Stojan (Group I), visited Greece from 12-14 October, accompanied by the Director of the European Disability Forum, Catherine Naughton, and supported by Valeria Atzori from the Secretariat and Maria Kampouri from National Confederation of Disabled People in Greece (NCDP). The aim of the visit, which was organized with the help of NCDP Greece, was to evaluate the situation of refugees and other migrants with disabilities in the reception structures of Lesbos and Athens ...


  • Reference number

    80 million people live with disability in the EU – new European Accessibility Act published in December

    The European Economic and Social Committee, partnering with the United Nations in Brussels, today heard from two very special achievers about the day to day realities of living with disability.  Taking place just after the publication of the new EU Accessibility Act (, Gerardo and Antonio (represented by his father) attended a special hearing to tell the EESC about their wonderful journey in life and what they had achieved in completing the Camino de Santiago while living with the day to day challenges of severe disability. Partnering with the United Nations Information Centre (UNRIC) and the UN Office on Human Rights, the EESC also hosted a special Cine ONU screening of the film "El desorden de los sentidos" (Disorder of the senses) with the film's protagonists and producers