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Fl-Asja, il-KESE għandu relazzjonijiet ma’ organizzazzjonijiet tas-soċjetà ċivili fiċ-Ċina, il-Ġappun, Singapore, il-Korea t’Isfel u l-Vjetnam.

Maċ-Ċina hemm Round Table tas-Soċjetà Ċivilili ġiet stabbilita fl-2007 wara d-9 Summit bejn l-UE u ċ-Ċina u tiltaqa’ darba fis-sena.

Fi Frar  2009, ġie stabbilit Kumitat ta’ Segwitu mal-Ġappun biex jimmonitorja d-dimensjoni tas-soċjetà ċivili fir-relazzjonijiet bejn l-UE u l-Ġappun u jippromovi kooperazzjoni bejn il-KESE u l-organizzazzjonijiet tan-negozju, tal-ħaddiema, tal-konsumatur u dawk ambjentali u organizzazzjonijiet ewlenin oħra tas-soċjetà ċivili fil-Ġappun. Twaqqaf Grupp Konsultattiv Domestiku UE-Ġappun fi ħdan il-Ftehim ta’ Sħubija Ekonomika bejn l-UE u l-Ġappun, li jagħti rwol ta’ monitoraġġ u konsulenza lis-soċjetà ċivili fil-kapitolu tiegħu dwar il-kummerċ u l-iżvilupp sostenibbli.L-UE kkonkludiet ftehimiet ta’ kummerċ ħieles mal-pajjiżi Asjatiċi li ġejjin: il-Korea t'Isfel (2011), il-Ġappun (2019) u l-Vjetnam (2020). Dawn il-ftehimiet huma karatterizzati mill-inklużjoni ta’ kapitoli dwar il-kummerċ u l-iżvilupp sostenibbli, u jagħtu lill-KESE u lil organizzazzjonijiet oħra tas-soċjetà ċivili – flimkien mal-organizzazzjonijiet tas-soċjetà ċivili fil-pajjiżi msieħba – rwol formali fil-monitoraġġ tal-implimentazzjoni tagħhom u l-għoti ta’ konsulenza lill-awtoritajiet politiċi rilevanti fl-oqsma tal-istandards ambjentali, soċjali u tax-xogħol u kwistjonijiet oħra ta’ rilevanza diretta għas-soċjetà ċivili permezz tal-Gruppi Konsultattivi Domestiċi. Il-Gruppi Konsultattivi Domestiċi tal-UE jiltaqgħu darbtejn jew tliet darbiet fis-sena u darba fis-sena tiġi organizzata laqgħa konġunta.

Barra minn hekk, il-KESE jidħol f'kuntatt mas-soċjetà ċivili f’pajjiżi oħrajn tal-Asja u f’avvenimenti internazzjonali rilevanti fuq bażi ad hoc.

  • During the meeting, the composition of the presidency was confirmed. The Group discussed its mandate, and proposed topics ahead of the 2019 Civil Society Forum. Moreover, the EU DAG discussed with representatives of the EC matters related to the implementation of the EU-Korea FTA under three pillars of sustainable development.

  • During the meeting, the Chair of the EU DAG under the new mandate was elected. The Group also discussed its mandate, working methods, reporting procedures and cooperation with other civil society organisations, as well as exchanged views on its rules of procedure and assess possible amendments . Moreover, the EU DAG discussed with representatives of the EC matters related to the implementation of the EU-Korea FTA under three pillars of sustainable development.

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    The 16th EU-China Civil Society Round Table will take place in Varna, Bulgaria from 28 May to 29 May 2018.

    The topics of the Round Table meeting will be the following: Social security and social solidarity mechanisms, and trade and investment as part of EU-China relations. In the fringes of the Round Table, a tripartite seminar on EU-China Tourism Year 2018 will be organised. 

  • During the 6th EU-Korea Civil Society Forum (CSF), participants discussed labour standards with the ILO representative, including progress achieved by both Parties to the Agreement as well as the next steps in the ratification and effective implementation of the ILO fundamental and other up-to-date conventions. Both DAGs also exchanged information about the role of civil society in the EU and the Republic of Korea in the development and implementation of the climate change policy at national, EU and international level. They then adopted final conclusions.

  • During the meeting, the EU DAG discussed with a representative of the European Commission the preparation for the meetings with Korea under the trade and sustainable development chapter, as well as about the current business environment in Korea and presentation of the white paper of the European Chamber of Commerce in Korea. Preparations of the 6th meeting of the EU-Korea Civil Society Forum in Seoul were also discussed.

  • 9:00-13:00 Room JDE 63

    In the light of the agreement in principle reached in July 2017 between the EU and Japan on an Economic Partnership Agreement, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)'s Follow-up Committees on International Trade and Japan are taking the opportunity to organise a half-day joint seminar. The seminar aims at examining the significance of the EU-Japan Agreement in the global context, reflecting on the role that civil society may play in the implementation of such agreement, and aims to assess possible challenges and benefits for different stakeholders (the business community, workers, farmers, consumers, etc.).

  • During the meeting, the EU DAG discussed with a representative of the European Commission the outcome and follow-up of the last CTSD meeting, held on March 24th, as well as the Commission's annual report on the EU-Korea FTA that was presented in June. Presentations of the recent developments in the Republic of Korea were also made by representatives of the correspondent country desk oin the European Commission and the EEAS. The EP shadow rapporteur on the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Korea, Dr Joachim Schuster, MEP (S&D Group), presented the European Parliament resolution adopted on 18 May 2017 to the EU DAG.

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    The 14th EU-China Civil Society Round Table took place in Brussels on 18 and 19 May 2016. Topics set up for discussion during this meeting of the Round Table were Innovation and economic development in rural areas, and Infrastucture and investment, in the framework of the One Belt One Road initiative and the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). The aim of the discussions was to find common ground and exchange ideas and best practices.

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    The 15th EU-China Civil Society Round Table will take place in Beijing from 28 to 30 June 2017. To mark this anniversary edition of the Round Table – it has been 10 years since it was first set up – an overarching theme, “Partnership for Growth, Civilization of mutual benefit”, was chosen. Thematic session will examine key aspects of this partnership.

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    During the 5th EU-Korea Civil Society Forum (CSF), participants will discuss labour standards with the ILO representative, including progress achieved by both Parties to the Agreement as well as the next steps in the ratification and effective implementation of the ILO fundamental and other up-to-date conventions. Both DAGs also will exchange information about the role of civil society in the EU and the Republic of Korea in the development and implementation of the climate change policy at national, EU and international level. They then will adopt final conclusions.