Austrumu kaimiņvalstis

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EESK darbība attiecībā uz Austrumu kaimiņvalstīm ir saistīta ar Armēniju, Azerbaidžānu, Baltkrieviju, Gruziju, Moldovu un Ukrainu. EESK galvenais mērķis attiecībā uz Eiropas austrumu kaimiņvalstīm ir stiprināt attiecības ar pilsoniskās sabiedrības organizācijām šajā reģionā un iesaistīt tās dialogā gan ar savu valstu politikas veidotājiem, gan ar ES organizētu pilsonisko sabiedrību.

Galvenie mehānismi sadarbībai ar Gruziju, Moldovu un Ukrainu ir Pilsoniskās sabiedrības platformas, kas papildina politiskās struktūras, kuras pastāv, pateicoties ES asociācijas nolīgumiem ar šīm valstīm. Platformas dod iespēju pilsoniskās sabiedrības organizācijām no ES un partnervalstīm uzraudzīt īstenošanas procesu un sagatavot ieteikumus attiecīgajām iestādēm.

No ES puses šajās platformās iesaistās EESK locekļi, kā arī plašu Eiropas pilsoniskās sabiedrības tīklu pārstāvji. No partnervalstu puses tajās ir pārstāvēts plašs pilsoniskās sabiedrības organizāciju spektrs. Dalība platformās ir balstīta uz visu interešu grupu (darba devēju organizāciju, arodbiedrību un dažādu interešu grupu) līdzsvarotu pārstāvību.

EESK ietvaros Austrumu kaimiņvalstu koordinācijas komiteja tika izveidota 2004. gadā kā īpaša struktūra, kas atbild par attiecībām ar pilsonisko sabiedrību austrumu kaimiņreģiona valstīs. Koordinācijas komitejas sanāksmes parasti notiek četras reizes gadā, un tās locekļi aktīvi piedalās Austrumu partnerības darbībās, piemēram, AP daudzpusējās platformās un AP Pilsoniskās sabiedrības forumā.

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  • Cohesion policy is key to overcoming the COVID-19 crisis, to achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and to reducing disparities in Europe. Its most serious challenge for the foreseeable future, however, is the war in Ukraine, the EESC cautions in a recent opinion. Rapid action is needed to help refugees and ensure the country's European integration.

  • The situation of civil society in Belarus following the presidential elections in August 2020 and the huge level of repression, as well as the tragic fate of the people in Afghanistan, show that the EU has to speak up with one voice in the geopolitical arena.

  • On 26 September, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) approved an own-initiative opinion to mark the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Partnership (EaP). In this opinion, the EESC acknowledges the important achievements of this initiative, but also calls for further reforms in the areas of democratisation and fundamental freedoms. The opinion insists on the need to strengthen the role of civil society and to provide credible EU membership prospects to EaP states.

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    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) hosted a high-level conference on 5 September to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Partnership.

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    Georgia has the best track record in freedom of media among the Eastern Partnership countries, but nevertheless sustained efforts are called for in order to raise the standard of journalistic quality, objectivity and ethics, as well as secure their independence and sources of financing. This was one of the main messages of the EU-Georgia Civil Society Platform (CSP)'s second meeting held on 16th February at the EESC. The Platform also made recommendations for the Georgian government to ...

  • The 3rd meeting of the EU-Ukraine Civil Society Platform (CSP) held in Kyiv on 8-9 November focused on labour market regulation and antidiscrimination legislation and practices in Ukraine, as well as reviewed the progress of the reforms undertaken within the Association Agreement process. The civil society organisations of the EU and Ukraine strongly called for the EU Member States to push, with all necessary political and economic means, for the restoration of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, establishing peace and solving the humanitarian problems of the residents of these and adjoining territories. Opening the meeting, Alfredas Jonuška ...

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    The 1st and inaugural meeting of the EU-Georgia Civil Society Platform (CSP) was held on 16th June 2016 in Tbilisi and was co-chaired by Andrzej Adamczyk, member of the EESC, and Kakha Gogolashvili, chairman of the Georgian National Platform at the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum. The participants in the first CSP meeting adopted a joint declaration, assessing the state of play of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement's implementation and acknowledging the considerable progress achieved by Georgia since the beginning of the Association process. Nevertheless, they called ...

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