ĀKK valstis un Āfrika

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Kopš pirmās Lomes konvencijas (1975. gads) līdz Kotonū nolīgumam (2000.–2021. gads) ES un ĀKK valstu partnerību reglamentēja attiecības starp Eiropas Savienību un Āfrikas, Karību jūras reģiona un Klusā okeāna (ĀKK) grupas 79 valstīm, kuras nesen apvienojās Āfrikas, Karību jūras reģiona un Klusā okeāna valstu organizācijā (OACPS).

Šajā laikposmā EESK kopā ar ĀKK valstu pilsonisko sabiedrību cīnījās par to, lai tiktu atzīta nevalstisko dalībnieku būtiskā loma attīstības procesā, līdz tas tika panākts Kotonū nolīgumā, ar ko EESK tika pilnvarota organizēt pasākumus un konsultācijas ar “ĀKK valstu un ES ekonomisko un sociālo interešu grupām”, lai apkopotu un paustu organizētās pilsoniskās sabiedrības viedokli. Mērķis bija veicināt apmaiņu un sniegt ieteikumus par jautājumiem un politiku saistībā ar ĀKK valstu un ES attiecībām; vēlāk šie ieteikumi tika oficiāli iesniegti ES un ĀKK valstu vadītājiem.

Praktiskā ziņā EESK pasākumi saistībā ar ES un OACPS attiecībām galvenokārt tiek veikti iekļaujošas ĀKK valstu un ES koordinācijas komitejas vadībā; minētās komitejas sastāvā ir EESK locekļi un ĀKK valstu ekonomisko un sociālo interešu grupu delegāti.

ES un ĀKK koordinācijas komiteja uztur regulārus kontaktus ar ĀKK valstu pilsoniskās sabiedrības pārstāvjiem dažādos līmeņos, izmantojot šādus līdzekļus:

  • ĀKK un ES koordinācijas komitejas regulāras sanāksmes,
  • reģionāli semināri ĀKK valstīs, nodrošinot forumu, kurā ar attiecīgā reģiona pilsoniskās sabiedrības pārstāvjiem apspriež kopīgu interešu jautājumus,
  • ĀKK un ES ekonomikas un sociālo interešu grupu trīsgadu kopsapulces Briselē.

EESK arī uztur regulārus kontaktus ar Āfrikas Savienības ekonomisko un sociālo interešu grupu pārstāvjiem ES un Āfrikas kopējās stratēģijas ietvaros. Konkrētāk, EESK katru gadu rīko sanāksmes kopīgi ar ES un Āfrikas ekonomikas un sociālās jomas ieinteresēto personu tīklu. 

EESK jau daudzus gadus ir uzturējusi regulāras attiecības ar ĀKK un ES Apvienoto parlamentāro asambleju, iesniedzot Asamblejas plenārsesijās ziņojumu par savu darbību.

Tāpat EESK cieši sadarbojas ar starptautiskajām darba devēju, darba ņēmēju, lauksaimnieku, kooperatīvu un patērētāju organizācijām. Minētās organizācijas izvirza ĀKK valstu pārstāvjus, kuri tiek aicināti uz EESK rīkotajām sanāksmēm, tostarp ES un ĀKK koordinācijas komitejas sanāksmēm.

  • Pieņemtie on 27/04/2021 - Bureau decision date: 01/12/2020
    Workers - GR II

    The Communication stresses the EU's commitment to safeguarding an online environment providing the highest possible freedom and security, for the benefit of its citizens.

    EESC opinion: Communication on cybersecurity strategy
  • Pieņemtie on 18/09/2020 - Bureau decision date: 20/02/2020
    • The common foundation of any EU political engagement leading to an equal development partnership with Africa shall be based on a multidimensional approach, articulating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the respect of Universal Human Rights (UHRs) - including fundamental rights, the right to a healthy environment and the freedom to conduct a business.
    • The EESC advocates promoting a decent life and good prospects, creating a middle class and supporting equal partnerships by strengthening sustainable social-liberal democratic structures in Africa.
    • The EESC highlights that the EU strategy on Africa must focus on Development and welcomes the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
    • The EESC reiterates the important role of organised civil society in the up-coming ACP-EU Partnership Agreement.
    • The EESC stresses that long-term investment in intra-African infrastructures makes econom
    EESC opinion: EU and Africa: Making an equal development partnership a reality based on sustainability and common values (own-initiative opinion)
  • Pieņemtie on 14/03/2018 - Bureau decision date: 19/09/2017
    EESC opinion: A new impetus for the Africa-EU Partnership (Communication)
  • Pieņemtie on 07/12/2017 - Bureau decision date: 24/01/2017
    (United Kingdom

    The Commission recently published a Communication on a Renewed Partnership with the ACP Group of countries. ACP-EU relations are currently governed by the Cotonou Partnership Agreement that will expire in 2020, therefore the Commission has published recommendations on what the future structure should be. Last year the EESC already drafted a general opinion on the post-Cotonou framework; this new opinion will have to answer specifically to the Commission's communication.


    EESC opinion: Renewed partnership with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (Communication)
    Renewed ACP Partnership
  • Pieņemtie on 18/10/2017 - Bureau decision date: 26/01/2017
    Workers - GR II

    The EESC is a strong advocate of a fair, well-administered and sustainable development policy at EU level. It is also very committed to the cause of greater tax justice. In recent years, questions have been raised as to whether the international tax policies of the Member States, in particular the concluding of certain types of double taxation agreements, are consistent with EU development policy objectives.

    EESC opinion: EU development partnerships and the challenge posed by international tax agreements (own-initiative opinion)
  • Pieņemtie on 26/04/2017 - Bureau decision date: 13/12/2016
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III

    The 2030 Agenda, the new global framework for sustainable development agreed by the UN in 2015, needs to be reflected in EU's development policy, the major orientations of which are set out in the 2005 European Consensus on Development ("the Consensus").

    To this end, the Commission issued Communication COM(2016) 740, "Proposal for a New European Consensus on Development: Our World, Our Dignity, Our Future" in November 2016.  Interinstitutional negotiations are expected to result in its endorsement in the form of a Joint Statement by the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission, in May 2017.

    EESC opinion: Proposal for a new European Consensus on Development: "Our World, our Dignity, our Future” (Communication)
  • Pieņemtie on 14/12/2016 - Bureau decision date: 24/05/2016
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III

    Development responses to forced displacement should be tailored for each geographic region, whilst ensuring joined-up action across the European Commission and other institutions. While a development-led approach can produce considerable results with the current budget, the need for extra resources should not be ruled out. Civil society, end users, development partners and NGOs should be involved in the delivery and in making the Commission's Communication operational. Social and civil dialogue structures and processes should be enhanced and improved in partner and host countries to assist with its delivery. Entrepreneurship in the affected regions should be supported and developed as a viable development path for many forcibly displaced people. Education and training responses should be based on a lifelong learning approach. The possibility of making EU programmes available to forcibly displaced people should be considered.

    EESC opinion: Lives in Dignity: from Aid-dependence to Self-reliance
  • Pieņemtie on 25/05/2016 - Bureau decision date: 15/09/2015
    (United Kingdom

    The EESC recommends that the EU should aim to achieve a modern, equal and effective partnership with the ACP countries that transcends a donor-recipient relationship and is based on a coherent and integrated EU external policy, based on the principle of Policy Coherence for Development (PCD). This framework should guarantee the involvement of civil society organisations, including the private sector, whose specific task should be to monitor and assess the impact of the implementation of this Agreement on the sustainable development of the Parties. Civil society should be provided with the technical and financial support needed to undertake this role.

    The EESC recommends that all forms of development support that the EU gives to third countries should fall under the same legal framework and should be subject to the same democratic scrutiny by the European Parliament, while retaining the same positive aspects of the EDF.

    EESC opinion: Future of EU's relations with ACP Group of countries (Green Paper)
  • Pieņemtie on 02/07/2015
    Employers - GR I
    Czech Republic
    Plenary session number

    2015 is marked as the European Year for Development (when the process of discussion for the post-Cotonou arrangements will begin to gain momentum), but also as the year where the Millenium Development Goals (defined until 2015) will give way to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To combine development and sustainability, all available resources of financing must be explored. The magnitude of this challenge is so large that all players including governments, private sector, banks, civil society organisations and development agencies must contribute to the implementation of these goals.


    Financing for development – the position of civil society
  • Pieņemtie on 22/10/2013
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number

    The aim of the European Year for Development 2015 is to inform EU citizens about EU development cooperation, highlighting what the European Union can already achieve as the biggest aid donor in the world and how it could do even more with the combined strength of its Member States and its institutions.

    European Year for Development (2015)