Press releases

  • Reference number

    Eiropas jaunieši uzskata, ka lielākas iespējas apgūt valodas ceļojot, pieejamāki Eiropas kultūras objekti un kultūras saglabāšana, pateicoties nacionālajai virtuvei un amatniecībai, jaunajiem eiropiešiem var būt pamudinājums iepazīties ar dažādām kultūrām un gūt labāku izpratni par mūsu kopīgo kultūras mantojumu. Šos ieteikumus ES politikas veidotājiem iesniedza 99 skolēni no visas Eiropas, kuri piedalījās gadskārtējā jauniešu pasākumā “Jūsu Eiropa, jūsu lēmumi (JEJL) 2018”. Pasākumu rīko Eiropas Ekonomikas un sociālo lietu komiteja (EESK), un tas Briselē notika jau devīto gadu.

  • Reference number

    EESC rapporteur on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Catelijne Muller says the strategy, as outlined by Commissioner Ansip to the EESC's plenary on March 15, fully meets the Committee's call for the European Union to take global pole position in determining the framework for the responsible development and deployment of AI.

  • Bernardo Hernández Bataller

    The EESC acknowledges the Commission's Communication Tackling Illegal Content Online – Towards and enhanced responsibility of online platforms as a first and useful step but is not satisfied with its scope. It therefore calls on the Commission to establish programmes and effective measures to provide a stable and consistent legal framework for the efficient removal of illegal content. 

  • The future of democracy in Europe was debated at a two-day European-level conference organised by EESC president George Dassis in the auditorium of Athens' Acropolis museum on 1 and 2 March. Facing an audience of actively engaged participants from EU institutions, Greek government, civil society organizations and universities, George Dassis clearly made the case that the future of democracy is directly linked to a peaceful and federal Europe.

  • Today sees the opening of the European Migration Forum, a platform for dialogue between civil society, institutions and authorities on the topic of integration of third-country nationals into the labour market

  • EESC on European Industry Day: Let's turn challenges into opportunities

    The EESC argues for closer cooperation, longer-term and predictable policies and fair trade agreements under the Commission's leadership

    "Industry is the source of prosperity in almost all Members States. When industries die, whole regions suffer", warns Gonçalo Lobo Xavier, EESC Vice-President ahead of  a two-day conference organised by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform to mark European Industry Day (22-23 February).

  • Lessons learned

    The EESC presents measures to avoid the severity of austerity in the future and to mitigate the negative effects of previous crisis management

    Future crisis management should strive for a better balance between fiscal and social objectives to avoid adverse effects on the economic capacities, labour markets and social protection systems of the countries concerned. Instead of restrictive austerity, the EU institutions should in future crisis situations implement policies in pursuit of economic cooperation, growth and solidarity.

  • English version available soon

    Le CESE a un rôle essentiel à jouer dans les consultations citoyennes proposées par le président français, car il y a une profonde cohérence entre l'action que mène le CESE au quotidien, permettant à la société civile de participer à l'évolution de l'Europe au plus haut niveau, et l'ambition que ces consultations citoyennes expriment. C'est ce qu'a affirmé la ministre des Affaires européennes, Nathalie Loiseau, lors de son intervention à la plénière du CESE à Bruxelles le 15 février.

  • EESC calls for uniform protection of refugees in Turkey and for the establishment of a mechanism to monitor compliance by both sides with the 2016 EU-Turkey Statement on Refugees

  • On 24 January, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the European Commission jointly organised the launch of the Commission's new toolkit to help Member States to strengthen the integration of people with a migrant background by making more efficient and coordinated use of available EU funding instruments.