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  • The EESC Thematic Study group on Disability Rights is organising  a public hearing on 30 March 2021.

    The objective of this hearing is to give the floor to one of the groups more hit by the COVID-19 pandemic: persons with disabilities (PWD). In particular, we will look into the situation concerning the prioritization of PWD, or lack of, in the vaccination rollouts within the EU.

    Your participation and input are most welcome!

  • The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is organising a public hearing on "Challenges and prospects for the deinstitutionalisation process in Croatia " on 31 March 2020, in the context of a fact finding mission of the EESC's Study Group on Disability Rights.

    During the hearing, we will listen to representatives from public authorities and civil society to find out how the deinstitutionalisation process is advancing in Croatia.

    Your participation and input are most welcome!

  • The European Economic and Social Committee will hold a conference to shape the new EU agenda for disability rights 2020-2030 on 26 February 2020 in the EESC's premises.

    The aim of the conference is to present the EESC's proposal for the new strategy at a crucial moment in the EU landscape. With a new European Commission, a new European Parliament and a new budget programming period, it is now the perfect timing for a new Disability Strategy that fully takes into account the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCPRD), the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

    The conference will tackle various areas of work of the EU, drawing attention to the crosscutting character of disability rights.

    Your presence and input are most welcome!

  • Perception, fear, myth and prejudice continue to limit the understanding and acceptance of disability in workplaces everywhere. Most of society still looks at persons with disabilities as unable to work and thinks that accommodating them in the workplace is expensive.

    The EESC is organising a public hearing on "Employment of persons with disabilities: how can we change society's view" on 13 November 2019, with the aim to present programmes and projects that prove that these perceptions are incorrect.

    Your participation and input are most welcome!

  • How have the current EU disability Strategy and other EU's policies and programs influenced the Latvian Disability policy?
    What could be changed or improved in the next EU Strategy 2020-2030?

    The EESC is organising a public hearing on "Shaping the EU agenda for disability rights 2020-2030" on 23 July 2019, where we will try to give an answer to these questions.

  • What is the role of the media in raising awareness on disability rights and combating stigma towards persons with disability?
    How can the Media help in portraying persons with disability in a manner consistent with a human rights approach to disability?
    What can be done to enhance the voice of persons with disability in the Media?
    The EESC Study Group on Disability Rights is organising a public hearing on "Communicating disability Rights" on 28 June 2019, where we will try to give an answer to these questions.

    Your participation and input is most welcome!

  • In view of the upcoming EU elections of 23-26 May, the EESC Study Group on Disability Rights is organising a public hearing on "Participation of Persons with disabilities in European elections ".
    Are persons with disabilities really on equal terms with the rest of the population when talking about their right  to vote?
    What has been done so far and which are further steps to be taken? 

    Join us to our hearing and discuss it with us!

  • This event is organised in the context of the preparation of an own-initiative opinion on the topic of "Employment opportunities for economically inactive people". It focuses in particular on this category of people, who, contrary to unemployed, are less studied. However, they have a labour market potential, and specific active public policies need to be created for them. Speakers include representatives of the European Commission, Eurofound and organised civil society.

  • how to better use EU funds for persons with disabilities in the new financial framework

    The EESC Study Group on Disability Rights is organising a public hearing on "The new MFF and cohesion policy: how to better use EU funds for persons with disabilities in the new financial framework". The aim of the event is to look into the changes for funds available for inclusions of persons with disabilities in the new MFF and cohesion policy.
    Based also on presentations of good practices, we will try to identify what worked and what did not in the past MFF and make recommendations for the future.
    Your presence and input are most welcome!

  • The EESC Study Group on Disability Rights is organising a public hearing on "Persons with disabilities as a human capital: their contribution to the economy and society".
    The aim of the event is to look into how persons with disabilities have been able to bring a positive change in the organisations that employ them.
    Based on inspiring testimonies and presentations of good practices, we will try to identify the policy changes required to facilitate this process and what employers and organised civil society can do to help bringing them about.

    Your presence and input are most welcome!