SDGs Member State activity (Country fiche)

How are the UN Sustainable Development Goals implemented across the EU? How does the governance framework for SDGs differ between Members States? How is the organised civil society contributing to the enforcement of Agenda 2030?

Each country summary available showcases, for each of the 28 EU member states, what the government, the sustainable development council, the national economic and social council, and the organised civil society are doing to implement the SDGs. The country summaries are updated annually (last update: July 2018).

    • 2017 SD strategy has laid the groundwork for federal SDG mainstreaming;
    • The federal SD Council is an advisory body to the government, with 15 members appointed ad personam. The SD council organises dialogues (e.g. the Sustainability Forum) with civil society and non-state stakeholders.
    • There is no nESC in Germany.
    • The NSDS was adopted in 2002 and 2009. More recently, under the initiative Green Growth, the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change is promoting a new development model.
    • Government is currently finalising a new National Growth Strategy, which is fully compatible and aligned with the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, promoting a new fair and sustainable growth model. Greece has also endorsed a set of eight (8) overarching National Priorities for the SDGs, which are analysed in the Voluntary National Review presented at the UN HLPF in July 2018. The National Implementation Action Plan for SDGs will be reviewed in 2019.
    • Greece does not have an SD council. The Economic and Social Council of Greece (ESC) acts as a national multi-stakeholder consultation mechanism on sustainable development issues.
    • Inter-ministerial involvement in the drafting of the latest NSDS (National Sustainable Development Strategy)
    • CSO engagement mostly in preparatory stages and monitoring. Not as much during implementation.
    • Bi-annual monitoring reports issued by SD Council and National Statistics Office.
    • Agenda 2030 is coordinated by a dedicated unit within the line ministry with responsibility for communications & climate that is currently managing the implementation plan;
    • The Voluntary National Review was presented at the July 2018 High-level Political Forum and NGO representatives were invited to participate as part of the government delegation.
    • The National Sustainable Development Strategy for 2030 was adopted in 2017.
    • Civil society was informally consulted throughout the drafting process and gave recommendations to the government via a large-scale two-week Sustainable Development Festival.
    • Latvia has a comprehensive sustainable development strategy for 2030, operationalised through a national development plan and sector policy.
    • A dedicated cross-sectoral coordination centre monitors the implementation of the sustainable development strategy and the functioning of the policy planning system.
    • Sustainable development indicators are well defined and broken down into seven subcategories: cultural space, investments in human capital, education, innovative and eco-efficient economy, nature, spatial development and public participation.
    • No implementation of SDGs but adjustment in line with the Sustainable Development Strategy and Lithuania 2030 set as a priority in Government Action Plan 2017–2020.
    • Civil society was actively consulted in the drafting of the Sustainable Development Strategy and continues to be involved in different processes.
    • Luxembourg is at an advanced stage of mainstreaming SDGs, having already completed its VNR in 2017. The government presented its 3rd National Plan for Sustainable Development in September 2018.
    • Luxembourg engages CSOs both through its NCSD and less formal mechanisms.
    • The priority of the Luxembourg government, SD council and relevant NGOs is the NSDS currently being updated, for which there is a high level of civil society engagement.
    • Malta has integrated Agenda 2030 into its regular operations, and is drafting a Vision for 2050.
    • Civil society organisations are engaged in consultations and in mainstreaming of SDGs.
    • The Sustainable Development Council includes a representative of employers, employees and various interests.
    • Some high-priority SDGs were integrated into the National Development Plan.
    • The national SDG report highlights the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders in the implementation of the SDGs.
    • Civil society is involved in the SDGs policy process at both national and regional level.