Latin-Amerika és a karib-tengeri térség

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Az EGSZB az 1990-es évek óta működik együtt a latin-amerikai és karibi társszervezetekkel. Számos EGSZB-vélemény foglalkozott az e régióval fenntartott regionális, szubregionális és nemzetközi szintű kapcsolatokkal. Az EGSZB prioritásai közé tartozik a civil társadalmi szervezetek fejlesztése, a gazdasági és társadalmi fejlődés, a regionális integráció és a többoldalú együttműködés.

Regionális szinten az EU–CELAC csúcstalálkozót megelőző előkészítő rendezvények sorában az EGSZB kétévente találkozót szervez az európai, latin-amerikai és a karibi civil társadalmi szervezetek képviselőinek. 

Szubregionális és nemzeti szinten több állandó struktúra is kialakult: 2009-ben az EGSZB létrehozott egy civil társadalmi kerekasztalt a Brazil Gazdasági és Szociális Tanáccsal abból a célból, hogy fórumot biztosítson a brazil és az európai civil társadalom képviselői közötti párbeszédhez és együttműködéshez. Az EU–Chile társulási megállapodása felhatalmazást adott az EGSZB-nek, hogy a megállapodás nyomon követése érdekében chilei civil társadalmi társszervezetével létrehozzon egy konzultatív vegyes bizottságot, amelyre végül 2016-ban került sor. Az Andok Közösség országait illetően az EGSZB részt vesz az EU Kolumbiával, Peruval és Ecuadorral kötött szabadkereskedelmi megállapodásait nyomon követő belső tanácsadó csoportban. Részt vesz továbbá a CARIFORUM–EU konzultatív bizottságban, amely a CARIFORUM és az EU közötti gazdasági partnerségi megállapodást követi nyomon. Állandó kapcsolatokat hoztunk létre az EGSZB Mercosur-beli, illetve közép-amerikai társintézményeivel (a Mercosur Gazdasági és Szociális Konzultatív Fórumával, illetve a Közép-amerikai Integrációs Rendszer konzultatív bizottságával).

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    CARIFORUM-EU Consultative Committee - 4th meeting

    The Consultative Committee (CC) is one of the 5 institutions foreseen in the EU-CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement. The CC is composed of 40 (25 from the CARIFORUM side and 15 from the EU side) standing representatives of organisations of the civil society representing employers' organisations, trade unions, other economic, social and non-governmental organisations, including development and environmental organisations; and the academic community.

  • The 16th meeting of the EU Advisory Group for the EU-Central America Association Agreement took place on 19 December 2019 in Brussels. Please click on the programme tab to consult the topics on the agenda.


  • CARIFORUM-EU Consultative Committee - 5th meeting

    The Consultative Committee (CC) is one of the 5 institutions foreseen in the EU-CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement. The CC is composed of 40 (25 from the CARIFORUM side and 15 from the EU side) standing representatives of organisations of the civil society representing employers' organisations, trade unions, other economic, social and non-governmental organisations, including development and environmental organisations; and the academic community.

  • The Latin America Follow up Committee of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held a Hearing on the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement: The views of organized civil society on 13 of November 2019.

    The main purpose of the debate was to:

    • Assess the opportunities and challenges ahead of the implementation of the Agreement;
    • Evaluate compromises and possible impacts of the Trade and Sustainable Development Chapter of the Agreement;
    • Explore how the civil society and consultative structures should monitor the impact of the Association Agreement in terms of improving human rights and labour, social and environmental rights as well as a strict compliance with international conventions or agreements the parties have committed to.
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    During the meeting, the EU Domestic Advisory Group (EU DAG) and civil society representatives from the Colombia DAG, Peru Domestic Mechanism and Ecuador DAG discussed the implementation of the Trade and Sustainable Development Title of the Trade Agreement, with a particular focus on respect for international labour and environmental standards. They also discussed economic, social, environmental and human rights impacts resulting from the implementation of the Agreement. The participants reflected on how the civil society from the EU, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador can cooperate to promote sustainable development in the context of trade relations and prepare for the next joint meeting.

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    This year's meetings between the EU and Central America under the Trade and Sustainable Development Title of the Association Agreement included a joint meeting of the DAGs where the representatives of the EU and Central American Advisory Groups exchanged experience in their current operation and discussed proposals for capacity strengthening of the civil society monitoring mechanism, the role of the parties in this context and future cooperation. The joint meeting of the DAGs was followed by a workshop on Trade and Sustainable Development where the participants discussed the content of the chapter and looked for a common understanding of the chapter.

    The participants had an opportunity to meet the organisations of their subgroups in sectorial meetings, to promote their cooperation and joint work under their current mandate. After the sectorial meetings, the participants attended the Civil Society Dialogue Forum where civil society representatives from the EU and Central America asked questions and expressed their positions with regard to the implementation of the Association Agreement and its impact.

  • The 15th meeting of the EU Advisory Group for the EU-Central America Association Agreement took place on 29 April 2019 in Brussels. Please click on the programme tab to consult the topics on the agenda.

  • The 14th meeting of the EU Advisory Group for the EU-Central America Association Agreement took place on 14 January 2019 in Brussels. Please click on the programme tab to consult the topics on the agenda.

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    During the meeting, the EU Domestic Advisory Group (EU DAG) and civil society representatives from Colombia, Peru and Ecuador discussed implementation of the Trade and Sustainable Development Title of the Trade Agreement, with a particular focus on respect for international labour and environmental standards. They also discussed economic, social, environmental and human rights impacts resulting from the implementation of the Agreement. The participants reflected moreover on how the civil society from the EU, Colombia,  Peru and Ecuador can cooperate to promote sustainable development in the context of trade relations and prepare for the next joint meeting. The participants adopted a joint declaration summarising outcomes of their discussion and presented it to the Parties during the Open Session with civil society on 12 December.

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    On 6 and 7 December 2018, the third meeting of the EU-Chile Civil Society Joint Consultative Committee (JCC), established by the EU-Chile Association Agreement was held in Santiago de Chile. The members discussed topics of interest for both parties, such as investment and cooperation, decent work and informal economy, the Sustainable Development Agenda and proposals to reinforce the role of the Joint Consultative Committee.  They adopted a Final Declaration on these four topics.

    The JCC is made up of eighteen members, nine from the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and nine from Chilean civil society organisations. It is co-chaired by Josep Puxeu Rocamora, EESC member, and Roberto Zúñiga Belauzarán, Director, National Confederation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (CONAPYME).