
Aims of the study

To illustrate the views of the social partners and organised civil society on:

  • the policies that are put in place at national level to help young people find work
  • the good practices or difficulties encountered in the Member States;
  • their involvement on youth employment policies.


Choice of the six members states

The choice of the six Member States was made in view of their specific situation in the field of youth employment policy, taking into consideration the unemployment and NEETs (Not in Employment, Education or Training) rates, but also other specific challenges (e.g. long-term unemployment, Roma inclusion).


Execution of the study


A survey was sent to the main social partners and youth organizations of the six selected countries.

The survey related to apprenticeships, traineeships, the implementation of the Youth Guarantee, mobility, entrepreneurship and other factors such as labour law, social security and more generally measures to prevent young people from becoming discouraged.

Interviews on the ground

Interviews on the ground with representatives of main umbrella trade unions and employers’ organisations, youth organisations and public authorities.

In the context of the impact study, missions were organised to the selected Member States.

The missions were carried out by teams of three LMO members assisted by Ana Dumitrache, administrator, LMO/SOC secretariat.

They were an occasion to discuss with representatives of main umbrella trade unions and employers’ organisations, youth organisations and public authorities. 

Member State & date of the mission

Members of Group I (Employers)

Members of Group II (Workers)

Members of Group III
(Various interests)


Vladimíra Drbalová

Oliver Röpke

Meelis Joost


Christa Schweng

Xavier Verboven

Viliam Páleník


Vladimíra Drbalová

Xavier Verboven

Meelis Joost


Irini Ivoni Pari

Daniela Rondinelli

Mette Kindberg


Christa Schweng

Xavier Verboven

Kinga Joó


Christian Ardhe

Oliver Röpke

Kinga Joó

 In bold: the names of the rapporteurs for each mission

Desk research

Collection of relevant documents from the European institutions, think-tanks, ministries and permanent representations to the EU of the selected Member States, national ESCs, social partners, civil society, etc.

Public hearing

A public hearing was organised by the LMO on the 1 April 2014 in Brussels, with the participation of Members of the European Parliament, representatives from the European Commission, Eurofound, the social partners at the EU level, youth organisations at EU and national levels.


Thank you

We take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to all those organisations that responded to our questionnaire and who participated in the meetings organised in the six countries concerned.



LMO study on Youth employment: questionnaire_Missions to Austria and Finland
LMO study on Youth employment: questionnaire_Missions to Greece, Croatia, Italy and Slovakia
List of organisations contacted for the purpose of the study