Europski zeleni plan

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Europska komisija pokrenula je 11. prosinca 2019. europski zeleni plan kojim se jača predanost EU-a svladavanju izazova povezanih s klimom i okolišem, što je glavna zadaća ove generacije. Cilj je europskog zelenog plana pretvoriti EU u moderno, resursno učinkovito i konkurentno gospodarstvo, osiguravajući:

  • nultu neto stopu emisija stakleničkih plinova do 2050.;
  • gospodarski rast koji ne ovisi o korištenju resursa;
  • da nijedna osoba i nijedno mjesto ne budu zapostavljeni.

Kako bi ostvario europski zeleni plan, EU provodi sveobuhvatan paket inicijativa, uključujući prijedloge politika i zakonodavne prijedloge te razvoj i modernizaciju financijskih instrumenata.

EGSO već neko vrijeme poziva na „zeleni i socijalni plan”, naglašavajući blisku povezanost zelenog plana i socijalne pravde. Izuzetno je važno čuti mišljenje svih dionika kako bi se dao poticaj održivim i konkurentnim poduzećima sutrašnjice u zdravom okruženju.

U europskom zelenom planu snažan naglasak stavljen je na ulaganja i financiranje zelene i održive tranzicije. Europski zeleni plan bitan je dio oporavka Europe nakon pandemije COVID-a 19. Taj se plan financira trećinom sredstava iz plana oporavka NextGenerationEU, koja iznose 1,8 bilijuna eura, i sedmogodišnjim proračunom EU-a. Tim velikim povećanjem mogućnosti financiranja krizu se nastoji pretvoriti u priliku za transformaciju budućnosti Europe.

EGSO ima ključnu ulogu u praćenju provedbe inicijativa i mjera iz europskog zelenog plana. Odbor priprema mišljenja i organizira aktivnosti (vidjeti bočni izbornik na lijevoj strani ove stranice) kako bi osigurao da institucije EU-a uzimaju u obzir stajališta organiziranog civilnog društva i da su inicijative u okviru zelenog plana usklađene s gospodarskom, socijalnom i građanskom stvarnošću na terenu.

Budući da je po svojoj prirodi europski zeleni plan transverzalan i sveobuhvatan, njime se bave sve stručne skupine EGSO-a i CCMI.

  • U izradi (updated on 11/04/2024) - Bureau decision date: 18/01/2024
    Referentni dokument
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number
  • Usvojeno on 17/01/2024 - Bureau decision date: 11/07/2023
    Referentni dokument
    Employers - GR I
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number

    The Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union asked the EESC to provide their insights on the rethinking of the internal market in light of the acceleration of the Union’s twin transitions towards a green and digital economy and on crafting a European Industrial Strategy that positions industries as the backbone of Europe's economy.

    EESC opinion: Developing a new European strategy for the Internal Market: helping our businesses to meet technological, social, environmental and competition challenges
  • Usvojeno on 25/10/2023 - Bureau decision date: 25/04/2023
    Referentni dokument
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number

    EESC opinion NAT/908 - Plants produced by new genomic techniques.

    EESC opinion: Plants produced by new genomic techniques
  • Usvojeno on 13/07/2023 - Bureau decision date: 13/12/2022
    Referentni dokument
    Employers - GR I
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number

    This exploratory opinion will be an opportunity to follow up on the EESC work on sustainable food systems, address the causes of obesity as the social determinant of health and provide recommendations for promoting healthier and sustainable diets, healthy lifestyle habits and protection of vulnerable children to feed into the work of the Spanish presidency.

    EESC opinion: Measures to reduce child obesity
  • Usvojeno on 22/02/2023 - Bureau decision date: 20/09/2022
    Referentni dokument
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number
    EESC opinion: Review of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive
  • Usvojeno on 22/02/2023 - Bureau decision date: 20/09/2022
    Referentni dokument
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number
    EESC opinion: Integrated water management – revised lists of surface and groundwater pollutants
  • Usvojeno on 22/02/2023 - Bureau decision date: 20/09/2022
    Referentni dokument
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number
    EESC opinion: Revision of EU ambient air quality legislation
  • Usvojeno on 14/12/2022 - Bureau decision date: 14/07/2022
    Referentni dokument
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number

    Considering the extent of the food security crisis and the urgency to address the issue of excessive commodity speculation, the aim of this own-initiative opinion is to analyse the current situation in more detail; gather experts' views on the impacts of commodity speculation on food price increases and food security worldwide; and provide civil society's recommendations on policy measures that are needed to address excessive price speculation and increase market transparency.

    EESC opinion: Food price crisis: the role of speculation and concrete proposals for action in the aftermath of the Ukraine war
  • Usvojeno on 21/09/2022 - Bureau decision date: 22/02/2022
    Referentni dokument
    Workers - GR II
    Czech Republic
    EESC opinion: Social dialogue within the green transition
  • Usvojeno on 15/06/2022 - Bureau decision date: 19/10/2021
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    The ‘REFIT’ evaluation concluded that while the current Regulation was generally fit for purpose, it could be better aligned with the European Green Deal and its design could be slightly improved. In this context, the proposal aims to replace the ODS Regulation, while maintaining a strict level of control.

    EESC opinion: Revision of the ozone depleting substances regulation