Programme of the 15th meeting of the EU DAG under the EU-Korea FTA

  1. Adoption of the draft agenda
  2. Adoption of the minutes of the 14th meeting of the ICG of the European Union of 20 June 2017
  3. Presentation of the annual report on the implementation of the EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement and updates of the FTA by Mr Nils Weller and Mr Kozak, DG Trade, EC
  4. Information on the current business environment in Korea and presentation of the European Chamber of Commerce's White Paper in Korea (ECCK)
  5. EESC opinion (rapporteur: Mr Fornea) on the EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement - Trade and Sustainable Development Chapter, adopted on 18 October 2017 in camera
  6. Preparation of the 6th meeting of the EU-Korea Civil Society Forum (Seoul) - Agenda and structure of the event - Diagram of the rapporteurs' presentations - Preparation of the final conclusions - Study visits and meetings with stakeholders
  7. AOB

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