Press releases

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    Kodanikuühiskonna organisatsioonid, üksikisikud ja eraettevõtted saavad nüüd esitada oma mittetulunduslikke projekte, et konkureerida Euroopa Majandus- ja Sotsiaalkomitee auhinnale, mis on pühendatud eurooplaste vaimse heaolu toetamisele.

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    Young people should receive the same pay and social security benefits as other workers, including the same minimum wages, which is still not the case in all Member States

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    At its June plenary session, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) recommended reforming the EU's electricity market by liberalising where possible and regulating where necessary. Main priority: guarantee an affordable basic energy supply at regulated prices.

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    On 12 June, the EESC launched its first event on fighting disinformation, kick-starting an awareness-raising campaign ahead of the European Parliament elections in 2024. The event, which gathered prominent figures from the civil society, media and youth organisations, highlighted the need for a more bottom-up approach with a strong civil society network countering disinformation on the ground. However, political awareness and solid legislative framework together with independent media are also crucial in the fight against fake news penetration.

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    Lack of media coverage, problems in reaching citizens, financial difficulties and uncertain political follow-up were among the ECI issues discussed at the European Economic and Social Committee.

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    For the first time since the pandemic, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) opened its doors to the public on Saturday 6 May to celebrate Europe and discuss the future of the European Union.

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    On the World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2023, the European Economic and Social Committee is calling upon the European Commission to adopt binding legislation to prevent psychosocial risks in the workplace. There is mounting evidence pointing to the fact that precarious work is taking a significant toll on workers' mental health. The call was made during yesterday’s EESC’s plenary session, chaired for the first time by the newly elected president, Oliver Röpke.

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    In an opinion debated and adopted in plenary, the European Economic and Social Committee renewed its request for reform of the European Semester. The opinion, which draws on a recent consultation undertaken in 23 different Member States, calls for an EU regulation to make civil society involvement in the cycle mandatory. 

  • EESC vice president in charge of budget - Krzysztof Pater
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    A former Polish Minister for Social Policy and current President of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (ZHP), Mr Pater was elected to the post today by the plenary assembly of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), of which he has been a very active member since 2006.

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    The April plenary session of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) saw the election of the new vice-president in charge of communication for 2023‑2025.