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  • In the framework of the preparation of its own-initiative opinion, the Section for Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion (ECO) organised a public hearing Wealth Inequality in Europe: the Profit-Labour Split, on Friday, 23 June 2017, at the EESC premises, starting from 10 a.m. The objective of the hearing was to gain contributions and insights on this topic from various stakeholders and expert, with a view to channelling these findings into the EESC opinion.

  • Tax competition between EU Member States may be harmful when it results in permanent losses of government tax revenues, may also distort competition between companies in the EU's single market and can have negative impacts on other EU policy areas. The EESC is currently drawing up an own-initiative opinion that aims to formulate solutions that can help to mitigate the negative effects of tax competition and to contribute to building a fairer and more transparent European fiscal system. In order to gain further insights the EESC organised a public hearing on Wednesday, 24 May 2017, starting from 10 a.m.


  • Exchange of views with Mario MONTI, Chair of the High Level Group on Own Resources, on the findings and recommendations of the High Level Group, organised during the ECO Section meeting on Thursday, 6 April 2017, at the EESC premises in Brussels.

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    During the 5th EU-Korea Civil Society Forum (CSF), participants will discuss labour standards with the ILO representative, including progress achieved by both Parties to the Agreement as well as the next steps in the ratification and effective implementation of the ILO fundamental and other up-to-date conventions. Both DAGs also will exchange information about the role of civil society in the EU and the Republic of Korea in the development and implementation of the climate change policy at national, EU and international level. They then will adopt final conclusions.

  • Growth and jobs remain an overarching priority for all EU Member States and for the EU as a whole. The Employers' Group of the EESC is organising an extraordinary Meeting in Malta on 11 may 2017 from 2pm to 5.30pm to reflect on EU's initiatives to mobilise private investment including the extension in time and financial capacity of the European Fund for Strategic Investment which is a priority file during the Maltese Presidency. The conference will also be the occasion to discuss the specific case of Malta which has been able to attract private sector investment in the presence of the Prime Minister, the Parliamentary Secretary for EU funds, representatives from Business, academics and other Maltese and European stakeholder.

  • The European Economic and social Committee is organising the public debate "What future for the euro?  Threats and opportunities for stage 2 of deepening EMU". The aim of our public debate is to support the necessary consensus-building on an ambitious roadmap for completing EMU by 2025, as part of a global vision for the future of the European Union.

  • Given that Europe's priority today is to promote sustainable growth and investment within a fair and better integrated market, the corporate tax reforms package will help to provide a fair and efficient taxation of corporate profits. The EESC is currently drawing up three interlinked opinions on key proposals presented and in this framework the Section for Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion (ECO) will organise a public hearing on "The Corporate tax reforms package - with focus on Common (Consolidated) Corporate Tax Base".


  • The hallmark of a sustainable circular economy is a society that reduces its burden on nature by ensuring that resources remain in use for as long as possible. Once the maximum value has been extracted, resources can then be recovered and reused, remanufactured, or recycled to create new products.

    In the context of the Slovak Presidency to the EU, the Employers' Group of the European Economic and Social Committee is organising a conference entitled "Sustainable Industry in the context of the Circular Economy". The event will take place on 13th September 2016 in Kosice, Slovakia. The participants of the discussion will elaborate on how the circular economy can support sustainable growth and the role of business in the transition to a more circular economy.