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  • Εγκριθείσα on 10/12/2013
    Έγγραφα αναφοράς
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number

    Comparable data on volunteering in the individual EU Member States has never been available. Such activities, however, represent real economic value and this data could provide a very useful tool for facilitating implementation of many social and economic policies. Therefore the Committee calls on the European Commission to work on a standardised methodology for research into volunteer work and to ensure its adoption by the Member States via an appropriate EU Regulation. In so doing, use should be made of the ILO Manual on the Measurement of Volunteer Work. The Commission should also introduce binding legal measures to enable the non-profit sector to co-finance public grants with the economic value of volunteer work.

    Statistical tools for measuring volunteering
  • Εγκριθείσα on 17/10/2013
    Έγγραφα αναφοράς
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number
    The EESC endorses views expressed in the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid regarding the objectives and assets of humanitarian action and expresses its conviction that humanitarian aid includes protecting people affected by humanitarian crises, maintaining their dignity and respecting their rights. The Committee stresses the genuine nature of voluntary action which should not be confused with other types of action involving work Volunteer involvement must always be needs-based, following an analysis and assessment of the situation and the needs of populations affected by disasters or complex crises.
    EU Aid Volunteers activities
  • Εγκριθείσα on 28/03/2012
    Έγγραφα αναφοράς
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Czech Republic
    Plenary session number
    EESC opinion: EU Policies and Volunteering
  • Εγκριθείσα on 05/11/2009
    Έγγραφα αναφοράς
    Plenary session number
    European Year of Volunteering 2011
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