Asien und Pazifischer Raum

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In Asien unterhält der EWSA Beziehungen zu zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen in China, Japan und Südkorea. So wurde im Jahr 2007 im Anschluss an das 9. Gipfeltreffen EU-China ein offizielles Diskussionsforum EU-China eingerichtet, das mindestens einmal jährlich zusammenkommt. In den letzten Jahren bemüht sich der EWS im Hinblick auf das Freihandelsabkommen zwischen der EU und Japan, in dem der Zivilgesellschaft eine begleitende und beratende Funktion zugewiesen wird, um den Aufbau engerer Beziehungen zur organisierten Zivilgesellschaft Japans.

Das Freihandelsabkommen EU-Republik Korea, das im Jahr 2011 in Kraft getreten ist, war das erste der sogenannten neuen Generation von Handelsabkommen der EU. Die Besonderheit dieser Abkommen liegt in der Aufnahme eines Kapitels zu Handel und nachhaltiger Entwicklung, in dem dem EWSA – zusammen mit zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen der Republik Korea – eine offizielle Rolle bei der Begleitung der Umsetzung dieses Kapitels und der Beratung der zuständigen politischen Gremien in Sachen Umwelt-, Sozial- und Arbeitsstandards sowie weiteren für die Zivilgesellschaft unmittelbar relevanten Fragen zugewiesen wird. Jedes Jahr finden drei Treffen der Internen Beratungsgruppe der EU statt, und einmal im Jahr findet ein gemeinsames Treffen statt.

Darüber hinaus unterhält der EWSA Beziehungen zur Zivilgesellschaft in weiteren asiatischen Ländern und beteiligt sich ggf. an einschlägigen internationalen Veranstaltungen. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist das zweijährliche Asien-Europa-Bürgerforum, eine interregionale Plattform der Zivilgesellschaft, die Teil des Asien-Europa-Treffens ist.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
  • verabschiedet on 27/04/2021 - Bureau decision date: 01/12/2020
    Workers - GR II

    The Communication stresses the EU's commitment to safeguarding an online environment providing the highest possible freedom and security, for the benefit of its citizens.

    EESC opinion: Communication on cybersecurity strategy
  • verabschiedet on 26/04/2017 - Bureau decision date: 13/12/2016
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III

    The 2030 Agenda, the new global framework for sustainable development agreed by the UN in 2015, needs to be reflected in EU's development policy, the major orientations of which are set out in the 2005 European Consensus on Development ("the Consensus").

    To this end, the Commission issued Communication COM(2016) 740, "Proposal for a New European Consensus on Development: Our World, Our Dignity, Our Future" in November 2016.  Interinstitutional negotiations are expected to result in its endorsement in the form of a Joint Statement by the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission, in May 2017.

    EESC opinion: Proposal for a new European Consensus on Development: "Our World, our Dignity, our Future” (Communication)
  • verabschiedet on 13/07/2016 - Bureau decision date: 19/01/2016
    Employers - GR I

    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) warns against granting China market economy status (MES) and  calls on the European institutions to promote fair international competition and actively defend European jobs and European values with efficient trade defence instruments (TDIs). In its opinion, adopted at its 514th plenary session on 14th July, the EESC points to the disastrous impact a possible granting of MES to China would have on Europe's industry and consequently on Europe's labour market. The EESC insists on China's fulfilment of the five EU criteria for achieving the MES.

    EESC opinion: The impact on key industrial sectors (and on jobs and growth) of the possible granting of market economy treatment to China (for the purpose of trade defence instruments) (own-initiative opinion)
  • verabschiedet on 14/01/2015
    Employers - GR I
    United Kingdom
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number

    The main aim of the review is to assess whether all existing priorities of the EU-Central Asia Strategy remain valid, and whether the EU should maintain its current focus on issues such as security, education, sustainable development (energy, transport and environment), and the rule of law.

    Civil society contribution to the review of the EU-Central Asia Strategy
  • verabschiedet on 21/01/2014
    Workers - GR II
    Employers - GR I

    This own initiative opinion looks to examine the agreement already under negotiation between EU and Japan (being the third non-European EU trade partner) and in particular its economic, social and environmental consequences. This agreement is not only dealing with trade, but will have on societies expected consequences to be enlightened and taken in account by negotiators. The automobile sector, public procurement, services, agricultural and pharmaceutical products sectors are, among others, concerned.

    The Role of Civil Society in the negotiation and implementation of an EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement
  • verabschiedet on 27/10/2011
    Employers - GR I
    United Kingdom
    Plenary session number
    An EU-India Free Trade Agreement (FTA) would cover over a fifth of the global population, making it one of the most significant FTAs in the world. It has the potential to bring significant benefits for society to both the EU and India. However, the EESC is concerned with its uncertain social and environmental effects for the EU, especially in terms of Mode 4 (mobility of workers) and for the poorer segments of Indian society.
    The role of civil society in the free trade agreement between the EU and India
  • verabschiedet on 16/06/2011
    Employers - GR I
    United Kingdom
    Plenary session number
    EU - Central Asia
  • verabschiedet on 13/09/2010
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number
    An emerging civil society in China
  • verabschiedet on 26/05/2010
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number
    EU-ASEAN Relations
  • verabschiedet on 01/10/2009
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number
    The EU, Africa and China
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10