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  • Speaker
    Henri Malosse, Président du CESE

    Presque 90 millions de tonnes de nourriture sont gaspillées chaque année en Europe et près d'un tiers de la nourriture produite pour la consommation humaine est perdue ou gaspillée à l'échelle mondiale...

  • Speaker
    Staffan Nilsson
    In my work programme as the President of the EESC, my goal is to consolidate the social dimension of the EU: improve employment conditions and promote social integration, fighting the poverty and exclusion that are afflicting vulnerable groups across all of Europe. A social Europe is a Europe with a society that combines economic growth with high living standards and good working conditions, or at least decent jobs and worthy living conditions for all. A social Europe is a society that cares about its most vulnerable.
    President Nilsson`s speech at the EPSCO meeting
  • Speaker
    President Staffan Nilsson
    "... EESC has committed to contribute to the concerted efforts towards the poverty eradication target – reduce the number of people at risk of poverty by 20 million by 2020. This is ambitious, but we believe it is possible with political commitment and with civil society's full involvement. ..."
    Staffan Nilsson at The Citizens' AGORA – Crisis and Poverties – an EP-EESC joint event
  • Speaker
    Mr Staffan Nilsson, President
    Statement by Staffan Nilsson, the EESC President and Leila Kurki, President of the EESC Section Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship on Communication by the European Commission on the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion
    Sustainability needs to become the mainstream in anti-poverty action
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