Трансатлантически отношения

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ЕС, САЩ и Канада споделят ценностите на демокрацията, правата на човека и икономическата и политическата свобода и имат припокриващи се опасения в областта на външната политика и сигурността. САЩ и Канада са сред основните търговски партньори на ЕС, а също и партньори във формирането на международния правен ред. Днес трансатлантическите отношения се реализират в нова среда и са изправени пред нарастващи предизвикателства. Считаме, че участието на гражданското общество в тези отношения дава гаранция, че трансатлантическите отношения са в състояние да отговорят на обществените очаквания и ефективно да допринесат за формирането на взаимноизгодно сътрудничество.

Всеобхватното икономическо и търговско споразумение (ВИТС) и Споразумението за стратегическо партньорство между ЕС и Канада бяха подписани на 30 октомври 2016 г. Ще положим усилия за постоянно участие на гражданското общество в прилагането на тези споразумения. Преговорите по Трансатлантическо партньорство за търговия и инвестиции (ТПТИ) между ЕС и САЩ понастоящем са в застой. Въпреки това преговорите по ТПТИ допринесоха за укрепване на връзките между гражданските общества на ЕС и САЩ и за определяне на вижданията им за това как следва да изглеждат бъдещите търговски отношения между ЕС и САЩ. Тези постижения не бива да бъдат изгубени. Нашият Комитет за наблюдение „Трансатлантически отношения“ беше създаден през септември 2014 г. с мандат да наблюдава трансатлантическите връзки с гражданското общество и да изгради редовен диалог и консултации по въпросите, свързани с отношенията със САЩ и Канада.

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  • Reference number

    At its July plenary, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) argued that the new Trade and Technology Council (TTC) can become an innovative tool for both the EU and USA to work together towards a safer and more prosperous world, based on the principles of sustainable development and democratic values.

  • The EESC’s Transatlantic Relations Follow-up Committee met to discuss two current and timely topics with the aim of strengthening the EU-US partnership on a global scene, particularly important in the current challenging international context: the state of play of the transatlantic trade policy and the Year of Action between the two Summits for Democracy.

  • With China and Russia on the offensive, a renewed and reliable transatlantic partnership is the key to maintaining international and legal order and peace. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) supports the idea of an Alliance of Democracies, ensuring that civil society has significant say in the joint defence of universal values and rights.

  • Through increased transatlantic dialogue, the Trade and Technology Council and the upcoming Summit for Democracy, the United States and the European Union have reached out to each other to jointly face global and internal challenges, and build a strong partnership on the basis of common democratic values.

  • Transatlantic relations remain strong and important even though they have recently had a very bad press. Business, both in the EU and the US, has a role to play in overcoming current difficulties. Together, we can effectively promote a positive transatlantic agenda and help to fight stereotypes and misinformation. These are just some of the conclusions of the debate with Susan Danger, CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce to the EU. The debate took place during the Employers' Group meeting on 11 July 2018.

  • The role of trade as a generator of growth and jobs is undeniable, but public perception of the further liberalisation of trade is getting worse and citizens' concerns must be addressed far more effectively than before. This was one of the conclusions of the conference on "Strengthening European Growth and Competitiveness: Proactive Trade Agenda – NOW!" that took place in Helsinki on 26 October.

  • The role of trade as a generator of growth and jobs is undeniable, but public perception of the further liberalisation of trade is getting worse and citizens' concerns must be addressed far more effectively than before. This was one of the conclusions of the conference on "Strengthening European Growth and Competitiveness: Proactive Trade Agenda – NOW!" that took place in Helsinki on 26 October. Jacek Krawczyk, President of the EESC Employers' Group, added: It is our responsibility to advocate for trade; we cannot take it for granted that people understand what the benefits ...

  • With discussions for TTIP now at a critical point, the EESC has published a new opinion, ‘The position of the EESC on specific key issues of the TTIP negotiations’. The own-initiative opinion assesses some key issues of the negotiations and identifies the main considerations for European civil society. This new ...

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