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Комитетът за наблюдение „ЕС-Русия“ е вътрешният орган на ЕИСК, отговарящ за отношенията с руското гражданско общество.

След започването на войната срещу Украйна от властите на Руската федерация на 24 февруари 2022 г. свободното гражданско общество в Русия беше накарано да замълчи със специални закони и нарастващи репресии, а много критици на режима бяха принудени да отидат в изгнание.

При настоящите трудни обстоятелства ЕИСК реши да остави отворена вратата за диалог с антивоенния сегмент на руското гражданско общество, който е представен на територията на ЕС.

Това доведе до ползотворен обмен на информация и мнения за това как следва да се развиват двустранните отношения след края на войната и възстатовяването на свободата и демокрацията в страната.

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    На 12 юни ЕИСК стартира първата си проява, посветена на борбата с дезинформацията, поставяйки началото на кампания за повишаване на осведомеността преди изборите за Европейски парламент през 2024 г. По време на проявата, в която участваха видни личности от гражданското общество, медиите и младежките организации, беше подчертана необходимостта от подход „от долу нагоре“, основан на силна мрежа на гражданското общество за борба с дезинформацията по места. Политическата осведоменост и солидната законодателна рамка, заедно с независимите медии обаче също са от решаващо значение в борбата срещу проникването на фалшиви новини.

  • Cohesion policy is key to overcoming the COVID-19 crisis, to achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and to reducing disparities in Europe. Its most serious challenge for the foreseeable future, however, is the war in Ukraine, the EESC cautions in a recent opinion. Rapid action is needed to help refugees and ensure the country's European integration.

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    The European Economic and Social Committee and the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation held their seventh joint seminar in Brussels on 27 September 2017. Both sides highlighted that civil society has an instrumental role to play in contributing to sustainable economic, social and cultural development, democracy and human rights, and fostering people-to-people contacts – one of the guiding principles underpinning the EU's engagement with Russia.

  • Since 1987, the Erasmus exchange programme has had a major impact on the lives of more than 9 million EU citizens by allowing them to take part in multicultural exchanges and develop new skills. At an event organized by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) on 18 May, Erasmus was recognized as a milestone in the creation of a European identity. The event was celebrated on ...

  • The President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Georges Dassis, participated on 12 April in the concluding session of the European Solidarity Corps Stakeholder Forum, alongside the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani...

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    Better scrutiny and management of food waste, an internationally agreed European history curriculum to combat nationalism, and better knowledge of the EU via the creation of a European day for schools. These were the main recommendations made to policy-makers by the students who took part in Your Europe, Your Say! (YEYS) to overcome the challenges the EU is facing.

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    You are our present and future, and Europe needs you: with these words, EESC Vice-President Gonçalo Lobo Xavier welcomed 99 young people to the yearly Your Europe, Your Say! event organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). The Vice-President encouraged them to use this "unique chance" to mingle with their European peers, apply their foreign language skills, learn about each other and make new friends that can change their lives and perceptions about this magnificent project called European Union.

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    It is vital to foster economic growth; only if Europe has a strong economy, can it better face the political and social challenges that stand before it. This was one of the main messages of the EESC opinions adopted yesterday in Brussels. The EESC calls for more investment– both private and public – directly in the countries that need it most. The EU body representing Civil Society also finds that the Juncker plan is not enough ...

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    Georgia has the best track record in freedom of media among the Eastern Partnership countries, but nevertheless sustained efforts are called for in order to raise the standard of journalistic quality, objectivity and ethics, as well as secure their independence and sources of financing. This was one of the main messages of the EU-Georgia Civil Society Platform (CSP)'s second meeting held on 16th February at the EESC. The Platform also made recommendations for the Georgian government to ...

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    33 schools from across Europe to come to Brussels to discuss the future of the EU. Today the EESC selected the schools which will be participating in this year's edition of Your Europe Your Say!, its flagship event for youth. In 2017, the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome will be the theme of the Committee’s annual "Your Europe, Your Say!" youth event, offering young people from around Europe the opportunity to share their ideas about the EU of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Each of the schools - which were selected from over 680 applications at a draw, will send a delegation of 3 students and a teacher to Brussels to participate in a youth plenary session on 30-31 March 2017, back to back with the ...