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Отношенията между ЕС и неговите южни съседи са един от нашите приоритети. Работата ни обхваща голямо разнообразие от области, като например участието на гражданското общество в политическия и гражданския диалог, демократичния преход, младежката заетост, устойчивото развитие, мобилността и имиграцията, търговията, енергията от възобновяеми източници и развитието на стопанската дейност.

ЕИСК работи по тези въпроси от 1995 г. насам. След промените в региона през 2010 г. ние коригирахме съответно и своите цели, като се стремим:

  • да подкрепяме организациите на гражданското общество в държавите в преход. Тази подкрепа е насочена по-специално към синдикалните организации и организациите на работодателите, както и към жените, младите хора и сдруженията на земеделските стопани;
  • да поддържаме двустранни отношения с националните икономически и социални съвети в региона и да работим за създаването на условия за включване на гражданското общество в политическия диалог в южните държави партньори;
  • да публикуваме становища и съвместни доклади относно ключовите предизвикателства за политиките, пред които е изправен регионът;
  • да провеждаме редовни срещи с европейските институции и международните организации с цел обсъждане на политиките, засягащи гражданското общество в целия регион;
  • да организираме годишна среща на високо равнище за икономическите и социални съвети и сродни институции, на която на лицата, определящи политиката, от националните правителства и ЕС се представят ключови препоръки по политиката във връзка с основните предизвикателства пред региона.
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  • Reference number

    On 17 October the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held a conference on the geopolitics of energy strategies in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Jointly organised with the Italian National Council for Economics and Labour (CNEL) in Rome, the conference underlined the potential of the EU's Southern Neighbourhood countries as producers of green hydrogen, especially now in light of the war in Ukraine. The area can become a key player in the energy sector to the benefit of all involved stakeholders.

  • The benefits of digitalisation for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are multiple, allowing them to boost competitiveness, expand market access and improve customer relations. In an information report adopted at its December plenary session, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) considers it necessary to support the digital transformation of SMEs with measures adapted to the specific needs of different types of companies.

  • Euromed 2018
    Reference number

    2018 Euromed Summit of Economic and Social Councils and similar institutions

    Members of civil society representative bodies from countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region met in Turin to discuss the situation of education and training in the area. Although the challenges faced by each of the countries are different, as access to education and training is very unbalanced in the region, the general consensus was that investing in human capital is essential for the sustainable development of the countries, but also to ensure regional stability and security.

  • Reference number

    More than a hundred civil society representatives from Union for the Mediterranean member countries met on 13 and 14 December in Madrid, Spain, to discuss the challenges facing the region. The 2017 Euromed Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions focused on economic, social and cultural rights, social protection and a new generation of women's rights in the Mediterranean region.   

  • Reference number

    Faced with a greater need than ever to enhance dialogue between countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region, civil society organisations answered the invitation of the European Economic and Social Committee and the Greek Economic and Social Council to discuss their role in addressing the challenges in the region. This was the main goal of the yearly Euromed summit of economic and social councils and similar institutions, organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the Economic and Social Council of Greece in Vravrona - Attica. Opened by the Greek Prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, it closed with the adoption of a common declaration, which underlines the conclusion of civil society representatives on ...

  • Euro-Mediterranean civil society expresses its view on key policies for the region

    Faced with a greater need than ever to enhance dialogue between countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region, civil society organisations answered the invitation of the European Economic and Social Committee and the Greek Economic and Social Council to discuss their role in addressing the challenges in the region.

  • 20 years after the pledge of Barcelona was taken to promote the peace, stability and security of the region, it is time for the states from the Euro-Mediterranean region to put this pledge into practice. The participants to the yearly Euromed summit of economic and social councils and similar institutions, organised by the EESC in Brussels adopted a common declaration ...

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