Press releases

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    Înaintea alegerilor europene din 2024, Comitetul Economic și Social European (CESE) și consiliile economice și sociale naționale ale UE s-au reunit la Madrid pentru reuniunea lor anuală. Principala concluzie: societatea civilă organizată are un rol esențial în asigurarea unei tranziții verzi și digitale juste și în asigurarea funcționării democrației europene.

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    The Recovery and Resilience Facility has increased the capacity for social investment in the EU. However, National Recovery and Resilience Plans, funded by the facility, are still plagued by shortcomings such as uneven investing in social programmes in different Member States, insufficient consultation with social partners and a gender dimension that is too weak

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    Pentru a realiza decarbonizarea sectoarelor energetic și al transporturilor din UE, lucrătorii din aceste sectoare trebuie să dispună de competențe „noi”, avertizează Comitetul Economic și Social European (CESE), solicitând factorilor de decizie să acționeze fără întârziere.

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    A new report from the Fundamental Rights and Rule of Law (FRRL) Group of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) highlights the growing challenges civil society organisations face in Europe. The report was unveiled on 7 November during the FRRL Group's conference on the current state of the rule of law and its impact on civic space.

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    On 26 October, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) unveiled its plan for a comprehensive EU water strategy. The EESC is leading the way as the first European institution to take concrete steps to address the water crisis. Its proposals include: water consumption labels, a Blue Transition Fund, water conditionality in EU fund, and a dedicated EU Commissioner for water.
    Read EESC President Oliver Röpke's Declaration for an EU Blue Deal.

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    Despite many recent breakthroughs and the fact that the EU gender equality index reached record levels this year, much still needs to be done for women to achieve equal rights as men in many domains

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    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held the 9th edition of the Western Balkans Civil Society Forum on 19-20 October 2023, just a few weeks ahead of the European Commission's Enlargement Package and the New Growth Plan. The Forum signalled a renewed momentum for the region to join the EU, in view of the current geopolitical situation and a clear commitment of EU leaders to the enlargement policy. Representatives of Civil Society Organisations stressed the need for greater support and safeguarding of civic space to facilitate the essential socio-economic reforms required for EU integration.

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    În cadrul conferinței sale de la Bilbao, Comitetul Economic și Social European (CESE) a îndemnat Uniunea Europeană să lanseze un plan de acțiune european care să intensifice cooperarea dintre sistemele naționale de sănătate. Obiectivul principal: diagnosticarea, tratamentul și îngrijirea mai eficace a pacienților cu boli rare.

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    In a joint letter with the European Parliament's MEP Water Group, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is calling on EU Heads of State and Government to support an EU Blue Deal strategy as part of the European Commission's upcoming mandate (2024-2029).

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    On 25 September, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) announced its winners in the three categories of the EU Organic Awards: Best organic food processing SME, Best organic food retailer, and ...