The Underwear Rule (UWR) / The Council of Europe One in Five Campaign to stop sexual violence against children

Member States involved: The One in Five campaign aims to reach all 47 Council of Europe (CoE) member states.

Organisation or State agency involved: Council of Europe

Type: Education, Law enforcement, Civil society collaboration, Research and standards

Description of the initiative:

The Council of Europe launched the ONE in FIVE Campaign to stop sexual violence against children in Rome (Italy) on 29-30 November 2010. Through the campaign, the CoE wishes to empower governments, parliaments, professional networks, academia, business communities, civil society, parents and children, enabling them to take the necessary steps to stop sexual violence against children. With a view to empowering children and parents, the CoE has developed an awareness raising tool, The Underwear Rule, which will help parents and carers to talk to children in a positive and child-friendly manner about their right to define their personal boundaries and texplain that children can talk with confidence about this subject to those who look after them. The empowerment tool has been widely welcomed and will be translated into all the EU languages.

Where can more information be found?

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